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Patch 1.9: nel_drv_direct3d_win is more recent than the application

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:52 pm
by browserice
I started Ryzom today and it patched itself successfully. Upon restarting Ryzom (from patch screen), it failed to go anywhere and this popup below appeared :

nel_drv_direct3d_win is more recent than the application

only 2 buttons:

Exit and HELP (by the way, clicking the Help button brought me to this specific thread)

I did a forum search and no one seam to have reported this error.

Googleing on this message only reveals this link:


acemtp@1 87 struct EDruDirect3dDriverUnknownVersion : public EDru
acemtp@1 88 {
acemtp@1 89 EDruDirect3dDriverUnknownVersion() : EDru( NL3D_D3D_DLL_NAME " is more recent than the application" ) {}
acemtp@1 90 };

My PC hardware and configuration has not changed in over 2 years. I have not done any software installs. I only do Windows XP updates.

Windows XP Pro SP3
2Gm memory
ATI Radeon 9600XT Catalyst 8.4 (MB bug preventing me from going with more recent drivers, been that way for long time)
Motherboard MSI-6712
AMD AThlon 3000XP
DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

Listing of my Ryzom directory (only files dated in 2010):
28/02/2010 08:27 PM 18,149,376 Ryzom.exe
06/05/2010 01:24 PM 33,760 autosave_09.r2
06/05/2010 01:29 PM 33,760 autosave_08.r2
06/05/2010 01:34 PM 33,760 autosave_07.r2
06/05/2010 01:39 PM 33,760 autosave_06.r2
06/05/2010 01:44 PM 33,760 autosave_05.r2
06/05/2010 01:49 PM 33,760 autosave_04.r2
06/05/2010 01:55 PM 33,760 autosave_03.r2
06/05/2010 02:00 PM 33,760 autosave_02.r2
06/05/2010 02:05 PM 33,760 autosave_01.r2
06/05/2010 02:06 PM <DIR> My_Scenarios
06/05/2010 02:06 PM <DIR> save
22/05/2010 05:26 PM <DIR> cache
23/05/2010 06:52 PM 0 item_association.dbg
23/05/2010 06:54 PM 24,546 animation.dbg
23/05/2010 10:23 PM 0 during_release
29/05/2010 04:35 PM 2,115 client.cfg
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 16,685 client_default.cfg
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 0 show_eula
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 34 configure.bat
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 18,136,064 client_ryzom_rd.exe
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 472 Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 27 launch.bat
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 197 forum.url
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 162,816 fmod.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 4,178,264 D3DX9_41.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 572,928 msvcp90.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 655,872 msvcr90.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 1,356,800 nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 648,192 nel_drv_fmod_win_r.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 1,326,080 nel_drv_opengl_win_r.dll
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 155,683 ryzom.ico
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 155,683 Ryzom6.ico
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 118 ryzom.url
29/05/2010 04:36 PM 94,604 error_join.log
29/05/2010 04:36 PM <DIR> cfg
29/05/2010 04:36 PM <DIR> unpack
29/05/2010 04:36 PM <DIR> data
29/05/2010 04:40 PM 5,242,921 client000.log
29/05/2010 04:40 PM 40,699 client.log
29/05/2010 04:40 PM 347,207 log.log
29/05/2010 05:09 PM <DIR> .
29/05/2010 05:09 PM <DIR> ..

2010/05/29 16:36:36 WRN e30 Ryzom.exe path.cpp 520 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (classificationtype_words_en.txt) not found (classificationtype_words_en.txt)
2010/05/29 16:36:36 DBG e30 Ryzom.exe diff_tool.cpp 717 STRING_MANAGER::readExcelSheet : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2010/05/29 16:36:36 DBG e30 Ryzom.exe diff_tool.cpp 717 STRING_MANAGER::readExcelSheet : At line 0, numCol changed to 4
2010/05/29 16:36:36 INF e30 Ryzom.exe string_manager_client.cpp 1265 STRING_MANAGER::CStringManagerClient::initI18NSpecialWords : 0 seconds for I18N words: Total: outpost_words_en.txt
2010/05/29 16:36:36 DBG e30 Ryzom.exe dynloadlib.cpp 211 NLMISC::CLibrary::loadLibrary : Loading dynamic library 'nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.dll'
2010/05/29 16:36:36 INF e30 Ryzom.exe dru.cpp 183 NL3D::CDRU::createD3DDriver : Using the library 'nel_drv_direct3d_win' that is in the directory: 'nel_drv_direct3d_win_r.dll'
2010/05/29 16:36:36 INF e30 Ryzom.exe common.cpp 550 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: nel_drv_direct3d_win is more recent than the application

Re: Patch 1.9: nel_drv_direct3d_win is more recent than the application

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:29 pm
by browserice
I re-downloaded Ryzom and installed it.
RUnning it started a patch process.
Starting the game, I could see the graphics for the login process was changed and also, for some weird reason, in the top right corner it says 1.91 instead of 1.90

The game started. First thing I did was changing the options (i had not replaced the cfg files). The game was in full screen so I changed it to windowed and when I maximized the window, it crashed on a direct3d STOP action.

I did not have time to check further. I will check it further either tonight or tomorrow.

Re: Patch 1.9: nel_drv_direct3d_win is more recent than the application

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:56 pm
by kervala
Have you compiled/installed Ryzom Core on your PC ?

If yes, you should have a NeL "lib" folder in your path and it could create conflicts with your official client.