Unregistered wrote:Hi there,
I have been playing Lineage2 for the past 7-8months and Im growing really tiered of the entire economy and the farmers.
I have a few questions Ryzom.
How is the economy system, is the farmers (Playing to sell in game currency on ebay ect.)?
How hard is the grind. (Levling, those who tried lineage know why I ask)
How does the GMs handle things? (do they respond fast and are they neutral)
Is there Guilds (Guild war fare, helping each other, common goals)
Hey there. Good questions. I can't answer them all, but will give you some input.
1. How is the economy system?
It seems fairly decent to me. You could probably get much more detailed replies from people who were in beta and have been playing for longer than I have. I've been in the game a little over a week. From what I can tell, the easiest way to earn dappers (money) is by looting mobs and then selling the loot (raw materials) in town. I've easily acquired over 100k in this way with the Tryker character I created this weekend. So, if you are a melee type (or ranged, I suppose, although those seem quite rare) or even an offensive magician, you can bring in some serious cash seriously easily.
Crafters seem to do fairly well, but I think that they have to put a lot more time into making money than those who just go kill and sell. There seem to be two basic ways to approach crafting, to me: 1) rake in money by killing and selling, then buy store-bought mats to make whatever. You could, in theory, use the mats that you loot from the critters themselves, but from what I gather, critter mats are inferior to the raw materials that actually come from the bark of the planet. 2) Harvest the mats you need yourself and craft from there. This is
extremely time consuming. I heard people talking about how it took them four hours to gather the materials to make a set of armor or something--not how most would choose to spend their time. The up-side to doing it this way is that you are going to make a much better product, be able to sell it for a lot more, and make a better name for yourself.
From what I can tell, the most ineffective way to make money would be to just go out and forage a bunch of raw materials, then sell them. I don't think many people would take this approach anyway; but, if you were to, I don't think you would come away as rich as the other approaches. I may be wrong on this as I have not harvested anything above quality 20, so I dunno; maybe the q150 stuff brings in the dough. It should. But, from what I can tell this early in the game, the drops from mobs sell for a much better price than foraged materials, which seems odd, b/c the foraged materials are the most in-demand with the crafters.
As far as your questions about farming, I really have no idea. My impression is that most people in game at this point are playing the game to figure it out and enjoy it. There is, to my limited knowledge, no black market for equipment on E-bay.
2. Grind. Such a distasteful word. So far, I haven't felt "the grind" much. I've been enjoying hunting, grouping with others, and just basically socializing with the other silly, childish, and friendly Trykers--the hobbits of Atys (btw, I've played 3 of the 4 races, and have found that Tryker attracts the funnest players, so you should choose Tryker if you decide to play
http://ryzom.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.gif http://ryzom.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif ). I took my character from 0 to 30 in melee, 20 in magic, and 17 in harveset over the span of 3 days. Yes, I played a lot--obsessively, even--but I
would not ever think of myself as a power-gamer (another distasteful word for me), so, you don't have to have that mentality of grind, grind, grind to achieve in this game. One of the very attractive things about SoR for me is that it seems to attract very few with the l33t attitude.
3. GMs. Lemme tell you a story. The other day, I went into the trainer. When you go into the trainer, you basically teleport in and telport out. I teleported in and there was a bug. Yes, there are bugs in this game, and the trainer areas seem to attract them. The bug was that there was no trainer, but there were two corporals--guys who give "kill this for me" missions. So, I said to myself, "Oh, it's buggy. That's not too surprising. Never seen the corporals in here before, though. Huh. Let me just port back out and try again." So, I walk back into the glowy lights that port you back outside. When I get outside, something's different. It just looks a little different. The water is still there and the sand, but something just ain't quite right. So, I pull out my magic map that shows me exactly where I am in the world, and
http://ryzom.com/forum/images/smilies/eek.gif my jaw drops. I was on the mainland! See, when you start, you're in a newbie island, then, when you decide you're ready, you go see a certain person and they teleport you to the mainland. In my case, I got sent there accidentally, and I wanted to go back to newbie island. I freaked out in the chat box for a minute, just to let everyone know what had happened, then sent in a ticket to customer service explaining what had happened. After I finished that, I asked everyone how long they thought it would take. Literally within two minutes, there was a GM standing in front of me, asking me if I still wanted to go back to Barkdell, the n00b town where I had been. I said, "Yes," and, poof; a loading screen later, I was back in Barkdell.
The GMs are awesome. The customer service is fantastic. And this is the one point that just about everyone playing agrees on. You couldn't ask for anything better.
4. Yes, there are guilds. Yes, there is guild warfare. I am not in a guild yet, so I don't know much about this. I will leave you with a basic answer on that one, and let someone else who knows more give you the scoop.
Hope to see you in-game!
EDIT: I dunno why the smilies turned out as links, but that is just too funny, so I am going to leave it in. If you want to see the smilies, they pop open in a new window.