Ring Scenario: Santa... Naughty or Nice?
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:04 am
Santa... Naughty or Nice?
...a Ring Scenario
The North Pole is busy as usual this year but something seems very wrong. While Santa makes his list and checks it twice, you will have to come determine if he's naughty or nice.

When can I visit Santa... Naughty or Nice?... From today (Dec 13) until Jan 2 it’s being hosted on the ring 24x7
Is there a reward?... Yes if you complete the storyline, you are rewarded with a surprise.
What level is it intended for?... Level 40 can solo the complete storyline. There are alternative challenges for small higher level groups.
Is this anything like the "Land of Rudolph's Licks" I visited last Christmas?... You bet but it’s all new!
Will I die?... I guarantee it! But this is a magical land where you have no death penalty.
How do I enter this land?... go to any Ring Terminal (except the one on Silan), select "Santa... Naughty or Nice?” and click Join. There is a Ring Terminal near the entrance of each main city.
Can I enter if I'm on Silan (the starter island)?.... Not normally but we might host it there on a few occasions.
Why do I get booted while trying to get in?... It's a common ring bug with an easy solution. The solution to that and other problems is IN THIS THREAD (4th post).
More pics HERE.
...a Ring Scenario
The North Pole is busy as usual this year but something seems very wrong. While Santa makes his list and checks it twice, you will have to come determine if he's naughty or nice.
When can I visit Santa... Naughty or Nice?... From today (Dec 13) until Jan 2 it’s being hosted on the ring 24x7
Is there a reward?... Yes if you complete the storyline, you are rewarded with a surprise.
What level is it intended for?... Level 40 can solo the complete storyline. There are alternative challenges for small higher level groups.
Is this anything like the "Land of Rudolph's Licks" I visited last Christmas?... You bet but it’s all new!
Will I die?... I guarantee it! But this is a magical land where you have no death penalty.
How do I enter this land?... go to any Ring Terminal (except the one on Silan), select "Santa... Naughty or Nice?” and click Join. There is a Ring Terminal near the entrance of each main city.
Can I enter if I'm on Silan (the starter island)?.... Not normally but we might host it there on a few occasions.
Why do I get booted while trying to get in?... It's a common ring bug with an easy solution. The solution to that and other problems is IN THIS THREAD (4th post).
More pics HERE.