Personal Notes about Ring Bugs / missing Features
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:23 pm
- Groups don't follow their Sequence once respawned
- One Scenery Limit for *all* maps, why?
- when a mob / group dies and the spawn command is given the respawn timer does not reset and nothing happens, can only be spawned after the 5 min respawn timer timed out and they "naturally" would respawn
- when despawning already dead mobs they ignore this and continue to spawn normally after 5 min (conflict with auto-respawn?)
- region and faction chat does not work in the ring
- when using Dialogs and the event "Dialog is at step ..." the event triggers *after* the step and not at the step, so it should be "Dialog step ... has finished" instead
- Debugging of Timers (activated, time left), graphical in a list preferred
- Trigger Log, to read up what was triggered when, if possible even by who/what
- Missing Case Statement, Counters (forward/backward), Status Variables (on/off)
- Global Status Variables, to check for example in act 2 if a goal was achieved during act 1 or not
- Zone Trigger for NPCs/Mobs, similar to Player enters a Zone Trigger
- Let Karavan / Kami / Neutral Players spawn at different spawn points according to their allegiance
- Chose factions and friend / foe for any group of NPCs, e.g. have kitins fight each other or guards defend players from *any* mobs
- Groups don't follow their Sequence once respawned
- One Scenery Limit for *all* maps, why?
- when a mob / group dies and the spawn command is given the respawn timer does not reset and nothing happens, can only be spawned after the 5 min respawn timer timed out and they "naturally" would respawn
- when despawning already dead mobs they ignore this and continue to spawn normally after 5 min (conflict with auto-respawn?)
- region and faction chat does not work in the ring
- when using Dialogs and the event "Dialog is at step ..." the event triggers *after* the step and not at the step, so it should be "Dialog step ... has finished" instead
- Debugging of Timers (activated, time left), graphical in a list preferred
- Trigger Log, to read up what was triggered when, if possible even by who/what
- Missing Case Statement, Counters (forward/backward), Status Variables (on/off)
- Global Status Variables, to check for example in act 2 if a goal was achieved during act 1 or not
- Zone Trigger for NPCs/Mobs, similar to Player enters a Zone Trigger
- Let Karavan / Kami / Neutral Players spawn at different spawn points according to their allegiance
- Chose factions and friend / foe for any group of NPCs, e.g. have kitins fight each other or guards defend players from *any* mobs