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Personal Notes about Ring Bugs / missing Features

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:23 pm
by chibiarc
- Groups don't follow their Sequence once respawned
- One Scenery Limit for *all* maps, why?
- when a mob / group dies and the spawn command is given the respawn timer does not reset and nothing happens, can only be spawned after the 5 min respawn timer timed out and they "naturally" would respawn
- when despawning already dead mobs they ignore this and continue to spawn normally after 5 min (conflict with auto-respawn?)
- region and faction chat does not work in the ring
- when using Dialogs and the event "Dialog is at step ..." the event triggers *after* the step and not at the step, so it should be "Dialog step ... has finished" instead

- Debugging of Timers (activated, time left), graphical in a list preferred
- Trigger Log, to read up what was triggered when, if possible even by who/what
- Missing Case Statement, Counters (forward/backward), Status Variables (on/off)
- Global Status Variables, to check for example in act 2 if a goal was achieved during act 1 or not

- Zone Trigger for NPCs/Mobs, similar to Player enters a Zone Trigger
- Let Karavan / Kami / Neutral Players spawn at different spawn points according to their allegiance
- Chose factions and friend / foe for any group of NPCs, e.g. have kitins fight each other or guards defend players from *any* mobs

Re: Personal Notes about Ring Bugs / missing Features

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:24 pm
by acridiel
It would come in extremely handy to have a "command tracker" so to speak.
Something that tracks what command/condition whatever you set and where.
Like a math-tree, which follows and displays the paths of your commands to the ring, so you´re able to spot dead branches or missing commands faster.

For example:
If I tell NPC 1 to do Action 1 if NPC 2 is finished with Action 2, this should be displayed either graphically, or just as a line of commands for a start, in a sepearte window, to easier find bugs in the programming. Once the actions get more and more complicated.

My worst problem with the Ring atm is that I can´t work continually at a scenario and I tend to loose track of actions and commands and so forth rather quickly. So I tried to build myself a chart with all actions of NPCs and stuff "preset" as to remember who does what when.

Its a start, but actually IN the Ring I still tend to loose track and get confused by the simple mass of things to keep track of once the Scenario gets bigger. Which disheartens me quite severely from using the ring.

So it would be a great treat to have something actually DO the tracking for me. And I think others would really appreciate this too ;)
