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The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:56 pm
by whiterider
As Riveit is now inactive, I've taken over the guild registry (until such a time as he comes back and yells at me to give his bloody thread back).

Instead of using a post as before, the new registry is on the Ryzom Wiki - the main advantage of this is that anyone can edit it without having to wait for the OP to notice that something changed. Instructions on editing the registry are on the page itself (it's easy as yubo pie!); however if you really don't feel comfortable with editing it yourself, post here and someone else will make the edit.

The Outpost Registry of Atys

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:43 pm
by final60
this is good well done

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:25 am
by xl2i5

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:37 pm
by larwood
Is it true that we have Alt's parking on OP's (with mains in guilds that own different OP's), meanwhile newer active guilds are being refused OP ownership?

This mentality is bound to promote new player retention... good plan.

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:30 pm
by larwood
You're probably right.

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:56 am
by r1vver
thanks, it was funny
especially about the new players
memories of the political component of the ryzom's life makes me want to piss on the monitor and throw it out the window

Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:18 am
by kdthehun

I would like to submit a request for an Outpost for my guild.
I would prefer atleast of q200 but would not mind Demon's Cross either.

Before you ask, Yes i have a paid account now, Yes i'm back in the game and I log in every day. Yes i'll be sharing stuff out, and won't say that "Our Drill don't Drill Cats or Our Drill don't drill OP Mats so we don't have any to share." Like i got some replys when asking for a few odd bits of OP mats and Cats of q250. [Now who would have a q250 OP and don't drill Cats?]

Anyway I would like a peacefull take over, and ofcourse with agreeable Conditions.

Please PM me in game or write to:


Re: The Guild Registry of Outposts: Who, What and Where

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:30 am
by dianiru
Heh, pity handovers from inactive guilds so rarely work, because
as long as the guild has members left, they'll want to keep the outpost,
as long as it has only one last member left, that member will want to keep the outpost 'for the others in case they come back',
and as soon as the last member leaves too, there's nobody left to hand over the outpost. :p

We could really use a mechanic that an outpost automatically goes back to un-owned if for a full week not a single member of the owning guild logs on, or somesuch.