Re: o/ hello..downloading the trial
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:17 pm
Welcome to Atys 
The Trial is limited to 3 Weeks, although not "geographicaly" , so you can get off the trial island of Silan anytime you want.
Although it is recommended to do all missions there, for they are a tutorial which will guide you through the first steps and explain many a thing to you
Please remember, Ryzom is different from other MMORPGs, so be sure to read everything and take to heart the lessons learned
If you´ve got other questions you´re welcome to ask them in Universe Chat, but please remain polite
People will probably rush ti help you
Faction depends on your personal taste.
Either the technocratic Karavan, or the strangely "mystical" Kami.
So does Race.
All start out equal, except for slight differences in resistance to certain magics.
Read up on them here.
Ah and one thing. At the moment there´s a mayor server wide Event going on, which may make things a bit difficult for Newbes.
(except on Silan, that is)
Don´t let yourself be drawn down by that, see it as a challenge
Have fun playing!

The Trial is limited to 3 Weeks, although not "geographicaly" , so you can get off the trial island of Silan anytime you want.
Although it is recommended to do all missions there, for they are a tutorial which will guide you through the first steps and explain many a thing to you

Please remember, Ryzom is different from other MMORPGs, so be sure to read everything and take to heart the lessons learned

If you´ve got other questions you´re welcome to ask them in Universe Chat, but please remain polite

People will probably rush ti help you

Faction depends on your personal taste.
Either the technocratic Karavan, or the strangely "mystical" Kami.
So does Race.
All start out equal, except for slight differences in resistance to certain magics.
Read up on them here.
Ah and one thing. At the moment there´s a mayor server wide Event going on, which may make things a bit difficult for Newbes.
(except on Silan, that is)
Don´t let yourself be drawn down by that, see it as a challenge

Have fun playing!