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Nvidia OpenGL Error 13

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:02 am
by thlau
Hello everybody.

I frequently have the problem that my display driver stops working, first the screen freezes and then it becomes black.
If I have the patience to wait (approx 5-10mins) an Nvidia OpenGL Error 13 window appears to let me know that my display driver stopped working and need to be restarted.

I experience this problem since the start of the year, and with different driver versions. The crashes most of the time happen in my appartement or in the guildhall (both Tryker). I had two crashes in the desert and 1 crash in the Lagoons of Loria, which are subjectively less than 5% of the occurrences. It happens more often at the end ( :P ) of longer play sessions (2h+). And I wouldn't complain if I wouldn't loose my landmarks placed/edited during that session.

Driver = Auto # so OpenGL for Nvidia
Resolution = 1920x1200 Fullscreen

Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9550 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.2GHz
Memory: 8190MB RAM
Hard Drive: 640 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GX2
Monitor: Samsung 2493HM
Sound Card: Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)
Speakers/Headphones: Sennheiser
Keyboard: Logitech Multimedia Keyboard
Mouse: Logitech MX510
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Motherboard: ASUS M3N-HT Deluxe

At the moment I swithed to forced DirectX mode, but the performance of the Ryzom client is really crappy on my system now.

Any ideas or similar experiences?

Re: Nvidia OpenGL Error 13

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:31 pm
by elleree
I was doing a bit of searching on this and from what I read there is a compatibility issue with Vista and the OpenGL drivers.

Someone suggested updating to Vista Service Pack 2. It solved this issue for them.

Another reverted back to XP Pro x64 and it hasn't happened again.

Hope that helps you!

Re: Nvidia OpenGL Error 13

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:18 am
by thlau
By chance Vista SP2 installed on logout yesterday, so I think I will go back to OpenGL today and meet my fate.