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Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:09 am
by cielchan
Exactly my thoughts.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:36 pm
by ulukyn
Free Trial
Join Date: Dec 2008 :D

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:39 pm
by iphdrunk
ulukyn wrote:jwojaguar
Free Trial
Join Date: Dec 2008 :D
I may be wrong of course, but in general I don't judge posts or posters looking at the Join Date. Other than the clear reason that the post itself may be valid and have good points regardless of the "join date", there are many "oldies" and "knowledgeable" players that have created new accounts... Maybe that "Join date Dec: 2008" is a re-roll or an alt of some player having joined on 2004.

The O.P. has a few valid points too, imho: it is unfortunate that the game switched to "pay mode" without some candy (meaningful) and (for many reasons out of scope now), palliating the lack of gameplay extensions (the dreaded word "content") giving more weight to RP and events seems not to work as well in Arispotle and may not convince all.

Personally, I will lurk the forums, in case there is a patch coming "soon". Maybe they need time to polish it.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:08 pm
by elleree
We've had a very long free period, for which I'm thankful. We have a dedicated team working on this game that we love who have been working, without pay, for many many months. We have had bugs fixed, Silan revamped, events, all during this free period.

Regarding donations, I believe there is a legal reason why they can't accept donations as a for-profit business.

I for one am more than happy to start paying considering I paid for a very long time without any of this under GameForge.

Ryzom is a completely different game, and I don't play it looking for "new content" like other mmo's. I play it because of the community, the beauty of the environment, the ability to decide my character's own direction without the interference of a "developer" who keeps changing my toon every patch. For that, I am more than happy to finally start paying and supporting.

By the way, we all say "free trial" currently until we are subscribed.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:31 pm
by dlice
Well said.

I agree to most what the OP said, there should be some new content / patch (whatever it will be) to keep paying customers around. And hopefully attracts new players too.

Myself, I'm very happy with the game, new things would be nice but I enjoy the game how it is.

If someone is unhappy with it, don't pay, don't play.

Let's see whats in two weeks as thats the first time you actually got to pay - again.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:44 pm
by piquedram
jwojaguar wrote: *you will receive no new content with the switch
*we dont want to tell you that we have no new content in the works because there are a dozen people whos jobs are depending on your hopeful spirits from this point on
you already received new content, while there was no fee to pay, and have more to expect in the future, as is also indicated in the post. (this next bit may shock you) A surprise is not the same as nothing
jwojaguar wrote: *kitin patrols and customizable text on crafted items are still the newest thing since last year
how many companies do you know who run an mmo completely for free (not even accepting donations) and have released any patches at all?
jwojaguar wrote: *we will be letting banned accounts back on as to get thier money. we are fully confident they will be banned again once we strain some cash out of them
Call it a happy day for those who made mistakes. The ones who want to come back anyway. I'm confident that repeat-offenders will not go through the usual process of temporary bans again but be brought to justice immediatly.
jwojaguar wrote: *we have provide an entirely ridiculous number of payment we have indicated in the past..this is partially due to us underestimating the intelligence of the players...we are banking on this for sure you dummies
wow, providing options is a bad thing? Caught me with my mouth open there...
jwojaguar wrote: *we dont want to take donations right now..we dont want to look desperate as is common knowledge in game
"Unable to accept" does not mean "we don't want to look desperate", and I, for one, don't think the company is desperate. Your "common knowledge" is your opinion, and possibly that of more people, but still an opinion, not a fact.
jwojaguar wrote: *please pay and play for a while so winch gate property ltd can do damage control and shut the game down eventually
interesting one... To everything comes an end, and hopefully it will still be this company at the time of Ryzom's end, but the end is not mentioned anywhere in yumeroh's post. In fact he's mentioning more upcoming patches...

In Ryzom we trust, your join date of december 2008 suggests you haven't been with Ryzom long enough to know that, so i'll forgive you your ignorance. So far this company has made no promisses they can't keep, which is probably also the reason why they won't tell us what exactly they plan to put in the next patch, in case it doesn't come through.

Just my thoughts.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:55 pm
by suib0m
jwojaguar wrote:i just read the post abut billing...heres what i got

*you will receive no new content with the switch
We've already received some new content. Yes it was small, but your statement is misleading. We know there are at least some folks working in the background who will try and provide for us.
*we dont want to tell you that we have no new content in the works because there are a dozen people whos jobs are depending on your hopeful spirits from this point on
Again, misleading. If they told us that they had tons of new content planned and hyped things up, then yes, that would be more towards playing of peoples hopes to gain money.
*kitin patrols and customizable text on crafted items are still the newest thing since last year
Stabilization and correcting mistakes of the past is a heavy burden that needs to be addressed as a priority. This has been a longer standing request than new content and there has been movement in this direction.
*we will be letting banned accounts back on as to get thier money. we are fully confident they will be banned again once we strain some cash out of them
How much money do you expect they will be getting from banned accounts?
*we have provide an entirely ridiculous number of payment we have indicated in the past..this is partially due to us underestimating the intelligence of the players...we are banking on this for sure you dummies
This is why I'm responding. Your post has no content, just noise. Varying payment methods have been another long standing request.
*we dont want to take donations right now..we dont want to look desperate as is common knowledge in game
There are many laws about money and business. Ownership of this game has gone through many legal processes. Red Herring.
*please pay and play for a while so winch gate property ltd can do damage control and shut the game down eventually
Seriously? Does this statement make any sense??

I enjoy the game. I get enough enjoyment that I think it's worth ~10$ a month. If I stop enjoying it, I will stop playing it. It's kinda simple, no?

- Sui

Edit: Heh, Nikopol, I guess I should have refreshed the page before responding :P . You pretty much mirrored my thoughts.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:56 pm
by memiki
First off very good post there Niko and Sui
Second, people have been complaining and complaining they wanted to pay, moaned and groaned about getting billing up. Now it is up and what more.
Third, why should they give you content when it was free, they did do a few patches. You want the moon, sun and stars for free also.
But by far the thing that made my chin hit the desk was the "to many payment options" OMG what is wrong with you. that is a good thing was it to many options for you to read. Not everyone can do it the same way. I think they should put more myself, I believe PayPal would be good but then I don't use it so it would not apply to me. But I think options are good.

Oh well you sure can't please everyone. Sure can't in MMORPG's that is for sure. To bad that perfect game isn't out there that everyone things they could develop, have not seen them do it yet. Still waiting.

Re: Ryzom and pay to play

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:56 pm
by lya74656
Ryzom is the only game where I log in simply to take a walk in the forest and watch the mobs running around. I could sit on Yelk hill for a hour, watching gingos preying on rendors, occasionally resurrecting some hopeless guys who happened to randomly run into Arken's camp. It's my home.

Nothing wrong about paying for that. In fact, it's only natural to pay for something like that. Death and taxes, yeah... never really had a chance to pay for it - it always dies whenever I decided to subscribe. :P This time, hopefully, it'll last a bit longer.

(However, I'd expect some things on Silan changed a bit, now that it is not necessary to limit it anymore. For one, enable those ranged weapons finally, and put a guy there who'd teach people how to use them. People are arriving to mainland without knowing yelk poo about guns and shooting! Some tutorial about types of guns and ammo would be nice. For two, enable mounts on Silan as well, perhaps just the weakest ones, for people to be able to get used to them. And for three, I know this is extremely minor, but... winter! It's ridiculous to have spring - summer - autumn - autumn.)