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EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:21 pm
by vonzuben
EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Sunday April 26, 20GMT / 4pmEST
CLICK HERE for TIME in a city near you
Location: Desertstock, We meet at Knott of Dementia Kami TP
Who: Everyone!
Remember the recent Kitin invasion in Prime Roots? Well my intention is to go back to that cave in Demon’s Lap to investigate the place where our problem originated. We need to raid that Kitin Nest one day! But I think we need to gather our strength and venture first into something slightly less dangerous. Thus we shall start by investigating the situation at Desertstock! Come join me if you are not a chicken-wuss, and diggers bring your picks we may be able to steal some of their larva.
If you have not raided this Kitin Nest before and would like a glimpse of what lies ahead, check out more pictures in this
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:57 am
by faedyne
I don't know much about Kitin larva. Isn't it extremely limited? Can't you only dig it once? If so, better make sure your digger can do Q200 Jungle.
I wonder if the "Animation" thing they announced will eventually make it so player-run events like these might have some effect on things. It would be interesting if attacking and wiping out areas would effect overall populations (at least for Kitin), shift their distribution, perhaps even increase the density in areas when they're pushed back. (although we've seen how difficult it is to play with large quantities of mobs, combined with the large quantities of players to counter-act them)
When I played 3 years ago, I remember we ATTEMPTED that very nest, with a MASSIVE amount of players from Infinity (my guild then) and Out of Cavern and I believe a third guild. (Please forgive me for not remembering. I only remember OoC because I'm a huge Myst fan.) I already mentioned large number of players in attendance, but we were mostly low level. I don't recall how far we got, but I think we got pretty far in the 2nd of 3 levels of mobs. It's possible we wiped them out and then got crushed on the 3rd level when the levels below starting repopping.
I certainly am a little better than I was back then, but I'm still a bit squishy. (I was a healer back then with very little in melee levels)
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:36 pm
by vonzuben
I have been on 3 raids of this place organized by others in the past. One time we had too few and did not get far. One was a moderate success but could not last long enough to try much digging. The last time however we spanked them good, and dug, but the nodes were empty.
I find that the mystery of this place is little known and if others know more about the larva would they post about it here please
Indeed we only want our lvl 250 Jungle diggers doing the digging, that much I know.
In successful attempts, its done by all nukers and heals. Three full teams was enough. Very few melee are needed. Most people should be on ele and heal, half and half. Its the same deal as handling Kitin Patrols. Also even more important is that we all stay very close together, do not get spread out, and keep moving forward advancing right away, never mis-targeting on something on another level.
My goal is to see if we get enough interest to make this attempt successful. Because my real goal is to raid Demons Lap in the future. Seems to me we need to return to the scene of the crime and see whats up. I want to trigger Kitin Raids in the cities!!!!! Rawr!
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:51 am
by vonzuben
this is this Sunday
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:00 pm
by hijati
its monday at 5 am for me and if i didnt have to work and didnt want to spend time with my family i would be there but those things are more important so hopefully again before im gone for 4-6 months
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:02 am
by vonzuben
SCREENIES from the event
The plan is to do this again same time next weekend.
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:48 am
by suib0m
Thank you for this, SweetMarie!
I didn't think I'd be able to make it, but was very glad I was. It was a great event indeed.
Much appreciation to you,
- Sui
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:13 am
by ferdis
we had lot of fun , to bad i had to leave earlier my bed was shouting already for me.
thx for leading us Sweetmarie
Celahir : Master Elemental
Re: EVENT: Kitin Nest Spanking
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:23 am
by clyne
Aw I missed it, I'd have loved to take part in it with Relino. Maybe next weekend.... regardless thanks for these events sweetie they'll keep atys alive.