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REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:50 pm
by suib0m
Hi all,

Well, it's something I brought up in the Marketing section long ago, but have since run out of time and resources to do what I had originally wanted. Batting it back and forth in my head I figured I would just create a PDF zine and leave it at that for now. So it has started..

REZ is a gathering of stories and art about Ryzom from our wonderful community. My hopes are that it will help to spread word out of this great place and the amazing folks that play. Currently I'm pulling stories from the Saga forum. I'd love to see more contributions, particularly artwork.

If you would like a story or art piece to considered for addition, please link it here or private message me. Items that try to match the lore, or that can logically coincide with the lore, will have higher priority. For example, the "3 little yubos" story is obviously not part of the lore, but can easily be accepted as a village story told to youngsters. Artwork should be sized to 150dpi resolution or higher.

I was going to wait till the beginning of next month to release this issue, but after hearing the latest news about "Animation", I figured I'd get this one out there to get some feed back on it.

I hope it is enjoyable:

I apologize for the lackluster site it is housed in, I don't have the resources for better at the moment.

- Sui

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:50 am
by kiakaha
Sweet :) good job!

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:36 pm
by killgore
Nice work I love it-Kil

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:46 am
by seawe
Very very nice. great job!

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:00 pm
by suib0m
Hi all :)

It's great to hear that folks are enjoying the zine. The next one currently has a May 15 release date planned. Does anyone in the community have any artwork they would like to submit to the zine? If so, let me know and we'll see what we can do. Art pieces (of any sort) should be at least 150 dpi, and their size will determine how and where they will be used.

- Sui

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:51 pm
by suib0m
Hello again,

Since we have another Event coming our way - Betrayal in the Senate - I offer you the latest issue of REZ to supplement your storyline needs! Pass it around, print out some copies and leave them for folks to find :) .

I hope you enjoy these wonderful stories. This issue features the writings of:

If you have any stories or artwork you would like to submit, please let me know. I would love to get some original art to add to the zine.

You can get your copy here:

- Sui

PS: Special thanks to Inifuss for being a second pair of eyes during the creation of this issue. Thanks Ini!

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:02 pm
by inifuss
You are very welcome Sui! Love the zine.. great work getting it organized!!

PS I have the chatLog from the Botanical Event the other day if you need and would be glad to show you the flora that was discussed. I did see that they will be running it again.

Re: REZ - a Ryzom E-Zine

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:35 pm
by kiakaha
Another great job Suibom! Love it :)