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General Community Questions.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:04 pm
by tuutob
Hey everyone,

So I played this game about two years ago and enjoyed it a ton, but had to stop to focus on school.

I came back earlier this week and, while noticing some improvements here and there, I was the ONLY Tryker in their starting area. It was about 9:00 PST at the time, and I sadly logged off.

So, the questions I have are:

1. Is Arispotle the only option for English-speaking players? Are there any other, more populated servers?

2. Which race has the most densely populated starting area? My friends and I are interested in going back, but it would be really nice to be able to play with some other players right off the bat.

3. When is the server's 'prime time' for PST players? I know this game has many European players, so it's probably different than, say, 7-9 PST...

Many thanks, and I can't wait to see you guys in game!

Re: General Community Questions.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:18 pm
by rdfall
if you logged into an older character, those starting areas are no longer used. So you would be alone. If you create a new character you'll appear in the new starting area, way nicer and more populated :)

as for your questions:

1. Arispotle is the only english server at the moment yes
2. Starting areas are merged into "Silan" now, the new player experience
3. no idea, as i'm european ;)

Re: General Community Questions.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:45 pm
by rakehell
The new Silan is quite well populated, usually 20 or more. Fairhaven usually has 10+ just standing around the stable, others out hunting.