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Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:48 pm
by petersk
Greetings fellow Homins. A few of us have been kicking around the idea to establish a date for a craft/trade fair. I know this has already been discussed, and as far as I know (I could be wrong), nothing ever came about from it. The purpose of this fair would be to exchange general crafting information, items, dapper, ideas, etc. bringing both old and young Homins together for a day of fun and good cheer.

I plan on being ready to craft amplifiers, two handed axes and swords and (if my packers have the room) a few sets of armor. I will be using choice and some excellent grade materials at the event, but can take requests for some supreme items if I have the materials at home.

Please feel free to join in the discussion here and let us know what you would like to bring to the event (stories, knowledge, items, etc).

Good day everyone, and good hunting.

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:41 pm
by suib0m
Sounds like fun. Trade of knowledge and being able to see different types of equipment would be good, particularly for new players. Hopefully I'll be able to make it when it happens.

- Sui

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:17 am
by ajsuk
Yep, sounds fun. Hopefully see you there.

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:02 am
by kalindra
I think that this market should change capitals every week so that newbies from all lands get access to it. And I'm interested in participating in it. I can craft grind sets of jewels easily up to 140 at the moment and q50 sets of Fyros LA.

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:19 am
by zarozina
A lot of the thinking behind this was to allow budding crafters a forum to sell THEIR crafts as well. To guilds recruiting new players, having a fledgling crafter take the strain off HO's crafting obligations can be a great help. In addition this allows low to mid level crafters a means and opportunity to pay for what they recieve from Master crafters in a way that they can afford and which means something to both sides.

I have heard many peopple saying they don't like being given everything for free and without having to work for it, and hell, that was why Ffi came into being in the firstplace, so this is not a new thing. Anyone with a bit of resarch and exploration can make 87/87 amps, for instance, without needing access to the roots or high level areas, and paying mid-level crafters to make these and similar items for newbies provides a great deal of satisfaction to players just starting to experiment with their chosen craft, as well as encouraging such experimentaion, rather than standing on the shores of Dyron Lake grinding hundreds of useless Max heal cast speed amps :P

A regular event like this could be a much needed boost to the server with benefits all round and I think all should support it even if its just to turn up and provide atmosphere :)

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:14 pm
by acridiel
kalindra wrote:I think that this market should change capitals every week so that newbies from all lands get access to it. And I'm interested in participating in it. I can craft grind sets of jewels easily up to 140 at the moment and q50 sets of Fyros LA.
Well, I hope you´ll be crafting jewels to grind with, not selling grind jewels of low quality to dumping prices ;) :p
*runs from Sherk*

And I recommend contacting Mardok, or Dentom by PM if you need any ideas or help :) Those two are behind Leanons similar project.

Acridiel *runs faster*

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:06 pm
by petersk
Thanks for the input everyone. I would suggest the starting capital city be Pyr, since in my opinion, there seem to be more new players there than anywhere else at this time (again, I could be wrong). For the first fair, I was thinking a week from today (first Saturday in March) with a time to be determined by popular choice.

Discussion anyone?

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:00 am
by kalindra
Yup, exactly that Acridiel, jewels to level up with. I'm still working on my recipes, but my jewels have some decent resists and protections to fight against mobs. I'll need to rebuild my reserves of excel seeds and ambers though.
petersk wrote:Thanks for the input everyone. I would suggest the starting capital city be Pyr, since in my opinion, there seem to be more new players there than anywhere else at this time (again, I could be wrong). For the first fair, I was thinking a week from today (first Saturday in March) with a time to be determined by popular choice.

Discussion anyone?
I work all week-ends and am rarely home before 7PM EST (Midnight GMT)

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:06 pm
by zarozina
I will be away all this coming weekend, but I'm sure it will all run fine without me ;D

Re: Idea for a Player Event

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:00 pm
by suib0m
Gah! It's too bad the economy is so broken in this game. I mean, this is a great event for those that take pleasure in the gleam of a new toon's eye as they trade their hard earned dappers for a steal on some uber eq (they are still new, dappers are probably still somewhat difficult to come by, unless some player gives them millions just for kicks).

But the crafters are going to need grinding mats, so this would also be a great event for diggers to haul loads in for the crafters. If there was a working economy this market would be wonderful.

So, I suppose my point is, what is the monetary unit folks would be after? I mean, is there a way to foster a mat/craft tradeoff? Or will it just be crafter/diggers taking shift turns between digging grind mats and crafting at the market? Is there anything that we can do to say: hey diggers, if you supply us grind mats we'll offer you X?

Actually, running it through in my head, I suppose this would be a good opportunity for high level crafters to employ lower level diggers to obtain specific mats with the payment being maybe some high lvl eq for them?

Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet and I'm just blabbin out loud. Any thoughts on a pseudo economy though?

- Sui