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Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:47 am
by browserice
Since the majority of the ideas here haven't had replies in 2 months, have they all died ?

If not, would you do a reply with a status ?

Seeing this, I am wondering if some people feel this forum section is just being wasted.

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:38 am
by ajsuk
eh, welcome to Ryzom. Things move slow here, sometimes so slow it appears we're in reverse.

Would be nice if a member of the "Ryzom Team" popped their head in now and then, at least to make it look as if they're listening. :p

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:22 am
by browserice
Doing my share of status update...

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:40 pm
by acridiel
Sadly I got the impression of not many players really caring about this part of the boards and especially not wanting to invest time and creativity into a thing that they mostly saw as "not my job, why can´t SW do what they´re supposed to do". :(

Some I talked to were actually angered by the idea, as they saw it as another way to exploit the community and to "invest work and gain nothing from it."
That it would help the game to survive didn´t matter, they wanted immediate reward for their time invested (money). Just like InGame, huh?

As with many great ideas, it will probably die of lack of support, or better basically laziness to inform themselves about the ideas and lack of will to support the whole thing.

Many people do not like to involve themselves in the ideas of others, or invest time into something which´s outcome is questionable. Risk taking has become unfashionable, you might say. Even if said risk is only a bit of your own time, to help something we all love survive. :(

Darn, sometimes I hate people.


Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:50 pm
by sidusar
I know how you feel, it does seem people way too often divide every activity into 'work' (costs effort, provides money or is otherwise necessary to live) and 'entertainment' (is immediately fun, costs no effort), and aren't anxious to do anything that falls outside those categories. :o

Is this particular case though, I have to agree it's probably largely because we're still hearing zip from our overlords. :(

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:17 am
by nanaruto
i truly had the impression that we don't have any real direction to go, we are not specialists and we are not really in charge of marketing, what we can or can't do isn't really clear.

we can talk about the game, we can talk about our experience in game, but, can we really go outside and deliver flyers?

We all know that an extension, something new is essential to relauch the game, something people who doesn't know the game yet, new customers, will see going to the supermarket, going to the videogame shop, going on videogames web site.

I personnaly discovered the game by the first page of, when i went to the web site, the first page you saw...

but to do that, we should have a real release, someting big happening !

it's the same problem again, marketing doing by volunteers is something good, but, if you regards on the people from the other games, they respects ryzom, the thing is, they doesn't want to play a game with no evolution during the last few years...

we all know that a lot of thing are already in the code but not implanted, the others uniques armor, the others creatures, we all know that the code is something really complicated.

Maybe the idea of volunteers, should have been also for the devs, maybe some people could help us , could find a way whith us to develop something new and annonce a extension to the game :)

in returns, they don't have to pay for the game :)

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:56 pm
by browserice
Well at least, even if the majority of my ideas died, I actually wen through some of them. Some are completed but without any positive results (including having Ryzom on Steam), some are still ongoing (either because of hollidays or because, again my email is a nobody).

The most important thing in this forum section, is not just to propose ideas. Try to at least complete them regardless if it will be a dead end. Also, it does not mean that the idea might be accepted by the dev team, but who knows, maybe some will.

If 80% of all ideas die before even being worked on,
and if 18% of the remaining ones simply wind up in dead eands,
then maybe out of the 2%, 1% will be accepted by the dev team.

So 1% of 30 ideas submitted is 3 ideas but ONLY if they have been completed. If 99% of all suggested ideas have not been completed, then that 1% drops down to 0.0000000....1% (you get the idea) !!!!!!

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:17 am
by acridiel
nanaruto wrote: Maybe the idea of volunteers, should have been also for the devs, maybe some people could help us , could find a way whith us to develop something new and annonce a extension to the game :)

in returns, they don't have to pay for the game :)
This is already being done. Here.
Was announced at the same time as this project, back then ;)

I don´t know what´s happening over there though. I don´t have a clue about programming.


Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:55 am
by faedyne
browserice wrote:Well at least, even if the majority of my ideas died, I actually wen through some of them. Some are completed but without any positive results (including having Ryzom on Steam), some are still ongoing (either because of hollidays or because, again my email is a nobody).

The most important thing in this forum section, is not just to propose ideas. Try to at least complete them regardless if it will be a dead end. Also, it does not mean that the idea might be accepted by the dev team, but who knows, maybe some will.
I noticed at least a couple of your ideas had little-to-no involvement from volunteers, and had more to do with suggestions to change the game (mentioning "the dev team").
While I don't think they ruled out official involvement, the focus does seem to be on the volunteers.
I don't see what volunteers can work to get done on their own when it comes to things like that.

I think it IS the most important thing to just propose ideas. That's what brainstorming is. Although obviously there needs to be a little bit of keeping things on track by focusing on the volunteer involvement. Sure, maybe you can think up great ideas by thinking about something unrelated ("thinking outside the box"), but too much of that just confuses the issue.

I think people are just discouraged from the lack of progress. Maybe when/if things pick up, they'll get more motivated.

I noticed the initiative for fans to contribute text errors in the game. I think that's probably the best use of volunteers. They already play the game, and they want things fixed.
acridiel wrote:This is already being done. Here.
Was announced at the same time as this project, back then ;)

I don´t know what´s happening over there though. I don´t have a clue about programming.
I am curious what they are up to and what they can do.
Perhaps a summary in layman's terms from one of them would be nice.

While it would need official approval, and probably too much work to be possible, I wonder if they could upgrade the Ryzom Ring editor to actually script to the full potential of the game.

I do think coders who actually ended up contributing towards Ryzom patches should be rewarded with game time. They're putting in real hours. I don't know that you could easily distinguish, but rewards based on the significance of the contribution, anywhere from a month, 3 months, a year, to a life-time subscription. (at least as long as the current company is in charge.) PS: retroactive. ;)
Actually, they should get double-credit. One in-game credit, and one credit towards ownership of the IP if the game were ever to lapse into that netherworld that it's been in a few times already. Not that coders are the only ones that should decide what direction the game should go... but I haven't heard of 3D modelers and texture artists and map makers and concept artists and writers putting in volunteer time behind the scenes. (I mean officially, towards game content.)

Re: Have all those ideas died ?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:41 pm
by acridiel
The thing about R² and a separate code/script is for me a bit of a clinch... *sigh*

The Ring is supposed to be an "easy to use editor for all players."
I can understand those who do know script/code to feel a need towards putting their knowledge to good use. ( I will not go into the potential for abuse here. But sadly it was already proven to be present. )
And it surely would make a great way for them to enhance their Ring scenarios and bring them to new heights.

The only problem I see with this is as follows:
Only a select few players do have sufficient knowledge to use a code/script in beneficial ways. And only a rare few other players will have the time and motivation to actually learn code/script, to put it to use in the ring.
Some will say now: Why learn such things when the Ring is supposed to be "for everyone / all players" ?
Right they are.

Please don´t get me wrong again!
I know some will probably find these thoughts offensive or somehow negative, but what I´m trying to say is, that to add a script/code option to the ring without considering the consequences it might have would effectively reduce its usefulness and its potential as a tool "for everyone".

It would open a wide, new world to all those who can code/script and slam the door in the face of all those who don´t.
These would then be stuck with the limited tools as present.
And this is entirely against R² s purpose.

Unless the tools the "non-coders" are able to use would be enhanced too.
So that "non-coders" would be able to do the same things as "coders".
It would only be fair, don´t you think?

Sure we all would benefit from the efforts of scripters, with scenarios that would probably boggle the mind if they´d be let loose.
But what about all others that would like to create such great things in the Ring and would not be able too?
Because they would be stuck with hammer and chisel, while scripters would be using lasers and high end electronics, figuratively speaking.

So, why not open the R² code, instead of inserting a separate script language into it? I think it´s the best way for everyone to benefit.

Today a coder might find a more safe and elegant way to write a certain tool, or sequence than is present in what the Devs came up with and complain about it, or keep his mouth shut, or in worst case use it to "exploit".

But he could just as well volunteer his new code to them and have it added :)
Maybe even gain a honorable mention, or something :D
So an "open" code would probably be a benefit to all. NEL provides a perfect framework for that already. But a separate "script language" for the ring would IMHO have the above mentioned effect.

Enhanced tools in my understanding would negate the need for a separate script and the Ring would be "for everyone", like it was its original intention.

Coders/scripters might still feel limited by what the tools would propose, but as I said, they could surely still help streamlining them, or come up with new "less clumsy" ones.
All without ousting a huge amount of players from the Ring. :)

It would be a sad day for me if the script option would be added to the ring, without consideration for those of us who can not make proper use of it.

But first, dear devs, please repair the ring!
So finally everyone can participate again and not be portet `round the world when trying to enter a scenario or crash his/her game everytime he/she´s trying to use the editor. ;)
