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Problem with sound in Linux

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:33 pm
by danebramage
Ok, I was running Ryzom in Linux for a couple of weeks (I'm a noob) and everything was fine, but then all of a sudden the sound went south on me. It still plays, but it's all crackly and distorted. I'm not sure what, if anything, changed to make this happen, and no other program or game--even Windows games--has this problem. Starting Ryzom with a fresh config file does not help. I updated my sound driver as well as upgrading my OS from Ubuntu Hardy Heron to Intrepid Ibex. Neither of those things helped, either. So I'm hoping maybe this is a known issue with a known solution. Anybody have any ideas?

Re: Problem with sound in Linux

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:54 pm
by blaah
danebramage wrote:It still plays, but it's all crackly and distorted.
run ryzom from xterm (or any other terminal) see if wine says anything about sound.

also, run winecfg and check sound settings.

other thing you might try is to run ryzom with 'nice -n 19 wine client_ryzom_rd.exe' command. if it's sound buffer underruns, then it might make it easyer. no idea what might cause it tho. sound has been good in wine for long time now.

Re: Problem with sound in Linux

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:35 am
by danebramage
Thanks! I'll try all this and see if it helps.

Re: Problem with sound in Linux

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:09 am
by danebramage
Yeah, yeah, yeah, check sound settings. Blaah blaah blaah... :)

I usually pooh-pooh the obvious stuff (make sure it's plugged in, etc.), but that's exactly what it was this time. The ALSA and OSS drivers were both selected, and Ryzom doesn't like ALSA. RUnning it with OSS alone works perfectly.

Thanks, blaah.