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Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:29 pm
by 5c0rp
Since we only know that subs are delayed due to paperwork I was wondering who will be resubbing to Ryzom once it goes to p2p.

There seems to have been a decrease in player numbers allready since Ryzom has been reborn, this could be down to a number of reasons but the one which is bugging old time players are, what are the devs plans, are we ever going to see any events, new content? All of these are questions that the majourity of people want answered.

Without any plan or offical word I can honestly see Ryzom take the same route as before.

Spose at the moment the only real thing I have to look foward to in the mmo world is Darkfall.

So what are your thoughts?

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:55 pm
by sidusar
Need a "Yeah, but only because there's no good alternative yet." :p

I'll still resub even if there is no new content and updates, bet then only until a better MMO comes along.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:00 pm
by audrimas
I'll resub with or without a new content. Not even waiting for any. Can bet there won't be any :)

Some bugs fixed would be enough "new content" for me. When people start to look for new content it's time to move on, game is not yours anymore.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:01 pm
by 5c0rp
audrimas wrote:I'll resub with or without a new content. Not even waiting for any. Can bet there won't be any :)

Some bugs fixed would be enough "new content" for me. When people start to look for new content it's time to move on, game is not yours anymore.
your right I guess, if you need new content then mebbe it is time to move on, guess that will happen in December for me when Darkfall is released (mebbe).

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:29 am
by kay22626
Ryzom will always have my sub unless it strays too far away from its original form. Even if there's no new content and even if i wont play it a lot, i will sub.
It's my small donation and vote for the most special mmo that ever was.
There are absolutely horrible mmos out there that are doing ok, so i dont see why a special game like Ryzom could not find a decent playerbase with the right marketing.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:35 am
by kalindra
I can't find interest in any of those "new" games out there, last game I payed for made me feel ripped off in so many ways at every single patch... Pay for the collector's editions but don't get your 5 trial keys at launch (took months). They even had people pay for Fileplanet accounts for open beta keys. Pay for the early access. And pay to download the free trial client... all that for the crappiest game of the year.

I think Ryzom is a reliable product that won't disapoint me and since I'm not burnt out on the "content" yet, I still have much to do, many rites to figure out, many fames to grind up and maybe even down if I ever get bored of digging.

I'm definitely resubbing for Ryzom, no matter what happens, no matter who does or not resub, and I intend to be doing so as long as I can afford it.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:13 am
by chibiarc
One might change the poll / post after the recent news flash :D

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:37 am
by katriell
I certainly will.

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:41 pm
by petersk
I voted "Yes" simply because I enjoy the world and the community. I haven't played "all the other games out there", but enough to know Ryzom is special. I am willing to wait a little longer for SW to get things in order... they have done a good job so far, imo. I am no programmer, but think I have a grasp on how difficult it is to merge lines of code from different developers, test new programming/patches, fix existing bugs so as not to create new ones, etc. There have been many good suggestions for new content from the players, and I'm sure some of those ideas are being looked at for implementation, if not being worked on already. New games sometimes take years to develope, so for me, I plan to give SW the benefit of the doubt and some time to get things in order. While waiting for new content, I have plenty of skills to work on before I become sidetracked with new areas, creatures, missions, lore, crafting skills, mounted melee (wishful thinking), and whatever else comes out of the new beginning.

Patience is a virtue....

Re: Are you going to resub for Ryzom?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:48 am
by great83
audrimas wrote: When people start to look for new content it's time to move on, game is not yours anymore.
Have to disagree with you MJ, it is human nature to get bored with the same content. After people realize there is a major lack of content in ryzom provided by the developers/creaters it self (not player driven content), they move on to another game. There are a handful of people that do stay though, but the numbers are far to slim to maintain a profitable game. Think about how many people you have seen leave the game; then think about how many that have stayed. I bet it is at least a two to one ratio, with more people that have left.

There will need to be a measurable amount of content that contuines to progress within the world of atys for ryzom stay afloat. Nervax and GF failed to realize that, hopefully SW will learn from their mistakes.