Trick or Treat (Halloween Ring Scenario)
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:02 pm
Trick or Treat (Halloween Ring Scenario)
It doesn't seem likely we'll be getting a Halloween event this year, so in an effort to bring some Halloween spirit to Ryzom, I've made a little Halloween-themed Ring scenario. The goal of this scenario is to go Trick-or-treating past tent doors until you've gathered 10 Treats. I'll be hosting this scenario all week for as much as I can, and will be giving out small prizes to those that complete it.

The rules:

The difficulty of the encounters varies widely, but most will take a level 200+ melee to handle alone. But because of the random chance to get a Treat, and the reset button, even a level 1 player can complete this scenario if they don't mind dieing a bunch of times. (There's no Death Penalty in the Ring, and it's a myth that dieing wears out your gear, so death costs nothing.) And even a level 250 player alone will probably die at least once. After all, what's Halloween without a little death?
To complete the scenario, hand in 10 Treats to the mission officer at the start, and Bolkin will spawn. If I'm not around to see your victory, take a screenshot of yourself with Bolkin as proof that you've completed the scenario. Be quick about this, as Bolkin will only stay around for a minute!
As for the prize for completing the scenario, I'm starting it off at 2 stacks of Q200 cats and half a million dapper. If too many people complete it, this may only be as long as the stocks last.
If only a few people complete it, then I'll throw in extra.
And yes, each person can only claim the prize once, and if you do the scenario with a team, only one prize per completion.
Additional hints:
Have fun! And remember, for maximum eeriness while playing this scenario, you'll want to turn your sound on, your compass off, and sit in a dark room.
It doesn't seem likely we'll be getting a Halloween event this year, so in an effort to bring some Halloween spirit to Ryzom, I've made a little Halloween-themed Ring scenario. The goal of this scenario is to go Trick-or-treating past tent doors until you've gathered 10 Treats. I'll be hosting this scenario all week for as much as I can, and will be giving out small prizes to those that complete it.

The rules:
- There are six different tents scattered around. Click on a tent to Trick-or-Treat at it.
- If you get a Treat, a chest will spawn nearby.
- If you get a Trick, something nasty will spawn nearby and try to rip you into pieces, and you'll have to kill it to make the chest spawn.
- Either way, the chest has to be opened before you can move on to the next tent.
- You can Trick-or-Treat at any tent more than once, but not twice in a row at the same tent.

The difficulty of the encounters varies widely, but most will take a level 200+ melee to handle alone. But because of the random chance to get a Treat, and the reset button, even a level 1 player can complete this scenario if they don't mind dieing a bunch of times. (There's no Death Penalty in the Ring, and it's a myth that dieing wears out your gear, so death costs nothing.) And even a level 250 player alone will probably die at least once. After all, what's Halloween without a little death?

To complete the scenario, hand in 10 Treats to the mission officer at the start, and Bolkin will spawn. If I'm not around to see your victory, take a screenshot of yourself with Bolkin as proof that you've completed the scenario. Be quick about this, as Bolkin will only stay around for a minute!
As for the prize for completing the scenario, I'm starting it off at 2 stacks of Q200 cats and half a million dapper. If too many people complete it, this may only be as long as the stocks last.

Additional hints:
- To send me your screenshot, you can upload it somewhere and PM me the link, or E-mail it to boo(at) (JPG please if E-mailed).
- The Zoraï tent only works from the front, the Fyros tent only from the side.
- If the first tent you try doesn't work, probably the last player left it inactive. Try another tent or press the reset button.
- If the reset button doesn't work, try waiting two minutes first to see if it comes back.
Have fun! And remember, for maximum eeriness while playing this scenario, you'll want to turn your sound on, your compass off, and sit in a dark room.