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Trash Talk.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:41 pm
by dlixus
This is a responce to this thread. And my last post on this forum.

Borishi closed the thread about agro dragging because he knew it was going to get ugly and I do regret posting about it on the forum. But I didn't get a chance to defend my self from what has been implied. The screen shots posted that quoted my "Trash Talks" have been implied as being the start and now reason for the inccident. That comment was made after I was trained. I was angry at the player Icyy because after the inccident he started to hunt right next to us and furthermore tried to take the same mobs we were trying to hunt.

This is a silly game, and far from the mature community I thought was here. I'm completly taken back by what happened and how things have turned out. I've since given up on Ryzom. So, there is no reason to escalate this any further. Apparently nothing will be done and the only victim here is the one who did nothing to earn such poor behavior. The fact that I joined a guild that PvP's does not give anyone the right to harras a player. This was not only done by the member Icyy but by others who try to recruit me into their said perfect guilds. I came to Ryzom to have fun. There is enought **** going on in RL to have to be worried about harrastment in an MMORPG.

Bellow is a screen shot of my ticket and of the region chat during the inccident. If you compare Tigrus picture with mine you will see that what I said - my "Trash Talk" was after the inccident. It may not be nice words but why should I talk nice to someone who attacked me in a none PvP zone and by actions that stand against the CoC. Plus I was so angry that what I said didn't even come out right.

Re: Trash Talk.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:13 pm
by fiach
Nice to see the whole conversation, instead of the edited version.

Couple of things though.

Your perception that NeXus isn't liked by many guilds is wrong, its a well respected guild in both PvE and PvP, sure there are guilds that dont like them, but they would be definately a minority and mostly karavan.

I am really sorry if this incident has caused you to leave, we need more players of your character and gumption to balance tossers like these, so please consider dropping this and coming back to Ryzom, there will be a few rotten apples in every MMO, at least you know who they are now.