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Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:17 pm
by seb94
Hi guys
It seems there is a rumor about Nexus is droping the server only to go dig suprem mats at Supernode.

So i got a private tell from gurthgor who was crying cause server crashed and he thought that was Nexus fault always Nexus fault, everything happens on Atys is always Nexus fault :)

So i would like to answer to gurth and tell him that in Nexus we are around 160 members on the list, no more so we can't crash the server like most of guys think.

We are european members mainly so that mean when server crashed few days ago, we were around 10 online, and sorry if in your guild you are alone at this time or if your members can't port in less than 5 minutes when the server is back to go at supernode.

Isn't my fault gurthgor if you are as fast as madakoo to port to supernode.
At season change there was mainly Nexus members at supernode and it wasn't a server crash so plz if guys don't want to do supernode or are angry cause Nexus kill them in pr and during supernode, don't blame us, blame your guild cause they don't come help you.
After the server crash when i ported in pr, somnus and scorpius was already in pr at supernode so that mean they crashed the server?
Or only they loged before me and ported faster than me.
So plz guys stop crying and work harder if you want something, come with your guild or with your friends at supernode and stop blaming Nexus.

So we don't pay an african sorcier to ask him to crash server, my sister doesn't work on the electricity company to crash server.....

If someone has a problem and think Nexus is crashing server, prove it and send a ticket plz.
If you can't prove it stop crying.

Cya at supernode but don't be late plz this time ;)

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:23 pm
by aude03
What ???

So the 20 chickens i sacrified, drinking their fresh blood and dancing naked around a burning dead rat was a joke ?

You got me Dar :)

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:34 pm
by dakhound
lol........sure thing dar :)

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:11 pm
by ajsuk
What's that I sense in your words, an underlying trace of guilt? Oh noes, the jig is up! I mean, zun...

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:21 pm
by xzizoux
seb94 wrote:Nexus fault always Nexus fault, everything happens on Atys is always Nexus fault :)

hahaha best sentence i´ve ever read .... needed to quote that and added to my Signature.....LMFAO :D

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:25 pm
by maccer16
seb94 wrote:Hi guys
It seems there is a rumor about Nexus is droping the server only to go dig suprem mats at Supernode.

So i got a private tell from gurthgor who was crying cause server crashed and he thought that was Nexus fault always Nexus fault, everything happens on Atys is always Nexus fault :)

So i would like to answer to gurth and tell him that in Nexus we are around 160 members on the list, no more so we can't crash the server like most of guys think.

We are european members mainly so that mean when server crashed few days ago, we were around 10 online, and sorry if in your guild you are alone at this time or if your members can't port in less than 5 minutes when the server is back to go at supernode.

Isn't my fault gurthgor if you are as fast as madakoo to port to supernode.
At season change there was mainly Nexus members at supernode and it wasn't a server crash so plz if guys don't want to do supernode or are angry cause Nexus kill them in pr and during supernode, don't blame us, blame your guild cause they don't come help you.
After the server crash when i ported in pr, somnus and scorpius was already in pr at supernode so that mean they crashed the server?
Or only they loged before me and ported faster than me.
So plz guys stop crying and work harder if you want something, come with your guild or with your friends at supernode and stop blaming Nexus.

So we don't pay an african sorcier to ask him to crash server, my sister doesn't work on the electricity company to crash server.....

If someone has a problem and think Nexus is crashing server, prove it and send a ticket plz.
If you can't prove it stop crying.

Cya at supernode but don't be late plz this time ;)
you wont get blamed if you dont crash server lmao :P

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:29 pm
by 5c0rp
tbh things are starting to get stupid again, you cant blame any guild for crashing the server, at the end of the day you shouldnt be able to do it anyway.

The only reboot which looked suspicious to me was the one which stopped the op attack by Nighthawks, 20 mins before OP due to start with massive numbers there to defend.........

Anyway bout time some of you guys had a look around before blaming Nexus for everything, its starting to get old now.

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:33 pm
by sidusar
seb94 wrote:Nexus fault always Nexus fault, everything happens on Atys is always Nexus fault :)
I knew it!

[thread=20747]PvP[/thread] is Nexus' fault!


Re: Server Crash

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:34 pm
by maccer16
boss timer server crashs makes ryzom very lame people work hard for every they got and others cheat so no point playing a cheaters game not blaming anyone but server dont crash on its own

Re: Server Crash

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:45 am
by zarozina
5c0rp wrote:tbh things are starting to get stupid again, you cant blame any guild for crashing the server, at the end of the day you shouldnt be able to do it anyway.

The only reboot which looked suspicious to me was the one which stopped the op attack by Nighthawks, 20 mins before OP due to start with massive numbers there to defend.........

Anyway bout time some of you guys had a look around before blaming Nexus for everything, its starting to get old now.
If this is the crash in question, then, yes although suspiscion may have been raised, I have been informed that the crash was caused ACCIDENTALLY by the already known guild recruitment limit bug. My apologies to the Devs/CSRs if I was suposed not to pass on this information, but just trying to diffuse further conflict and suspiscion