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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:36 am
by elphilou
Marketing was never my strong point, and it's been quite a long time since I've had any interest in it, but doesn't a marketing campaign begin through a brainstorming ?
Te idea behind this, for those who don't know this, is to throw in any idea that come through your mind, foreign bodies included (now that the joke is done i'll have peace with this one at least
) regardless of its worth. We can discuss that later.
From what has been posted on the forum already, i can see:
> Comics, both on web and paper basis.
> Advertising
> Community hosting (website, blog, medias...)
Anyone would have other ideas ?
Re: Brainstorming.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:51 pm
by komissar
Ok here are a few suggestions:
1. Viral marketing by the community
2. Comics
3. Official and semi-official articles
4. Mmo websites (news, publications and ratings)
5. Regular freeby giveways (after billing starts)
6. Blogs. E-Zines and podcasts
1. Viral marketing by the community
Cool videos spammed into youtube and similar sites with proper keywords. Posts in blogs and forums devoted to MMORPgs about how cool Ryzom is.
2. Comics
Well I don't know anythig about printed coic books so will just say about webcomics. If we manage to create a webcomic interesting enough and diverse enough to be let into websites like MMORPg and other comic webpages it can become a marketing tool in its own right. This will take efforts from several artists though...
3. Official and semi-official articles
This is kinda self-explanatory - more articles about Ryzom at gaming websites
4. Mmo websites (news, publications and ratings)
Offer more "news" rase the ratings and add Ryzom to those Gaming websites where it hasn't been added.
5. Regular freeby giveways (after billing starts)
Also self-explanatory - some sweetcakes for new players...
6. Blogs. E-Zines and podcasts
This is what Beau has been doing and what has been suggested in another thread here - ryzomean blogs and e-zines. This could go together well with both No1 and No2 aswell
Well this is like a first shot but still something.
Re: Brainstorming.
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:30 am
by seleneus
Imho Komissar has some valid opinions there...
I for one would like this thread to receive more attention
*free bump*
Re: Brainstorming.
Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:48 pm
by boroshi
Have a whole forum