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XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:35 pm
by fancyboy
Okay I have noticed an odd thing occur when I team up with people. The xP get's a little funky and I want to know if this is a bug or what. In a team I can heal someone while they are fighting and I get around 500 defensive magic points. Given the same monster and everything I can then attack the monster with a sword and/or hit it with a spell killing it and heal my team mate. I'll get much less xp metered out between melee and defensivemagic. This is just an example but it seems like if you attack a monster using two different attacks you will get less xp from the attack than if you just stuck with one type of attack. This happens when I team or when I Solo. Am I crazy or just not counting the XP accurately???
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:45 pm
by hivewasp
fancyboy wrote:This is just an example but it seems like if you attack a monster using two different attacks you will get less xp from the attack than if you just stuck with one type of attack. This happens when I team or when I Solo. Am I crazy or just not counting the XP accurately???
I think it's relative to your skill levels.
If you have level 20 melee, level 40 magic.
Using magic exclusively, your XP will be based on magic level vs mob level.
Using melee exclusively, your XP will be based on melee level vs mob level.
Using both, XP will be based on the highest of them, and then on the amount of hits/damage dealt
so if you hit a level 40 mob with melee 40 your xp will be average. If you melee it 100% it'll be high. If you mix both, it'll be the same XP total as with magic, but split between your two skills. etc. This situation is ok, considering the mob level is close to your highest level.
But now if you were fighting a level 20 mob, and used a single spell... you'd have the xp from a level 40 killing a level 20... even if 99% of the fight was melee
At least that's how i understand it

Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:25 pm
by co1osse
hivewasp wrote:I think it's relative to your skill levels.
But now if you were fighting a level 20 mob, and used a single spell... you'd have the xp from a level 40 killing a level 20... even if 99% of the fight was melee
At least that's how i understand it
You are absolutely right.
This rule also apply when you are teaming.
The experiance is based on the highest level of all of those who participated in the fight.
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:49 pm
by draino44
I just wanted a little clarification. Someone said before that if you use both melee and magic in a fight the split in exp rewarded will be determined by hits landed and damage.
Does damage really matter? I was fooling around with it last night and it seems to be just the number of hits that you land using a particular spell. The amount of damage those hits do does not seem to matter.
The reason this concerns me is i tend to use some powerful nuke spells and then mellee the mob to death once it closes on me. My nuke spells usually take 3/4 of their life and then the melee finishes the last 1/4. If you went by damage dealt you would expect exp to be divided 3/4 magic 1/4 melee. Instead i get much more melee exp. I think this is because i only land 2 or 3 powerful spells and then use 5-10 weak melee hits to finish the mob off. The game thinks this was a mostly melee fight because i used more melee attacks even though most of the damage i did was through magic.
Anyway, the way i understand it is the amount of exp you get is determined by the most powerful skill you use. In my case the I get less exp in any fight in which i use magic because my magic skill is higher. We all know that as skills go up exp for any given critter goes down. After the game determines how much exp you will get it divides it based on the number of successful attacks from each discipline. If i kill a creature using 2 nukes and 8 melee attacks 20% of the exp will go to magic and 80% to melee. If i use 2 nukes, a defensive spell and 5 melee attacks i will get 20% to offensive magic, 10% to defensive magic and 50% to melee.
Is this right? I think it is kind of a goofy system but i can live with it. Seems to make more sense to divide it up by damage done rather than number of hits landed though. If i almost kill a creature with 2 nukes and then finish it with 5 melees i would expect most of the exp to go to magic since that is where most of the damage was done.
Anyway, sorry for the longish post. Just wanted to see if understood this. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:18 pm
by co1osse
draino44 wrote:I just wanted a little clarification. Someone said before that if you use both melee and magic in a fight the split in exp rewarded will be determined by hits landed and damage.
Does damage really matter? I was fooling around with it last night and it seems to be just the number of hits that you land using a particular spell. The amount of damage those hits do does not seem to matter.
From my observations, the experiance is determined like this.
BaseXp = Xp for highest skill used in the fight.
Xp is then divided between all used skill per time used.
You kill a mob that gives 100xp.
During combat you've casted one spell to 'pull' it then you finished it in 2 swords swings.
You would get something like : 33 magical xp and 66 fighting xp.
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:32 pm
by jesder
co1osse wrote:
You kill a mob that gives 100xp.
During combat you've casted one spell to 'pull' it then you finished it in 2 swords swings.
You would get something like : 33 magical xp and 66 fighting xp.
One thing .. the spell would have to actually land a hit. If it is resisted or misses (do spells even miss?) then it would not count at all.
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 5:46 pm
by co1osse
jesder wrote:One thing .. the spell would have to actually land a hit. If it is resisted or misses (do spells even miss?) then it would not count at all.
Of course the example supposed that every hits/spells landed properly.
And yes I happen to fail my incantation sometimes.
Re: XP for Teaming and Solo
Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 9:15 pm
by fancyboy
Thanks for all the info. I really do like this community we have here in Saga.