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Connected but not comunicating?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:46 am
by jaxpar
Today while I was playing I had an unexpected crash to desktop from the clinent.

I restarted and everything seemed fine, so I continued to play for another couple of hours. When I went to log off however (next to the Sage trainer on Noob island) I encountered another error and crash to desktop without going through the complete shutdown process.

Now when I log in, I am standing next to the Sage trainer, no matter how many times I log in, or where I log out. And if I move around, nothing outside the local vacinity of the spot where I load in renders (NPC's, mobs, or buildings). Other plkayers tell me they can see me standing next to the Sage trainer still, even when my client shows I am several hunderd metres away.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the client on my laptop (normal game machine), playing on a differnet computer, using my work and home ISP's, creating a new character to see if it restes my main one.

Because the problem persists across multiple computers, and after a client reinstall, I don't think it's local. It's like I broke my characters database entry somehow. I know I'm connected, I can see and talk to other characters, I just can't get my character to interact with the world.


Re: Connected but not comunicating?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:57 pm
by laymans
I had the same problem on 21st but have not logged in to see if it corrected itself. I was on the Mainland at Fairhaven visiting the Jewelry vendor. I went to log off the application froze at the last screen before the return to the operating system. It would not disapeer, even when I hit the X to close the window, so I had to kill it with the task manager.

I logged back in ten minutes later and everything loaded fine. But when the world came back up I could rotate my view but not move. I could pull up all the menus but selecting options did nothing.

I'll log back in tonight and let you know if I'm still experiencing the problem.
If I am, I'd be interested in the fix. I might even try reinstalling.
