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Can't connect?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:34 am
by arcane00
Hello there! I have been letting "Ryzom" faithfully installed on my pc for months, even though I haven't been playing it for long time.
Today, I was planning to return to the game. However, whenever I try to launch the game, it freezes for a few seconds and then it tells me that it "can't connect". What is the problem? Do I need to install again the whole game (please tell me I don't need to!)?

How have things changed in all the months I haven't been here?

Re: Can't connect?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:18 pm
by ajsuk

Re: Can't connect?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:19 am
by arcane00
ajsuk wrote:Try d/ling & running this:

Mmh but before I do....

1) Where do I install it?

2) WHAT is it? It that 100% safe?

Re: Can't connect?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:40 pm
by ajsuk
-If/When you run it, it gives you the option to point it towards your Ryzom directory.

-It's from an external source so I'm not gunna tell you it's 100% safe for sure, but in all likelihood it's the exact same file that the devs came out with to patch old clients. Why the hell they took the official one down I've no idea, seems silly to me.

Anyway it's up to you to either try it, edit your client.cfg file manually (see below), or download the entire new client version. =)

Code: Select all

RootConfigFilename   = "client_default.cfg";
StartupHost          = "";
StartupPage          = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl      = "";
PatchServer          = "";
InstallWebPage       = "";

Re: Can't connect?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:02 pm
by arcane00
Thanks for the infos!!
I've tried installing it. Now Ryzom works perfectly again! I sure hope I didn't get any spyware or something included; but for sure now the game is running again. Thanks. :3