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Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:14 pm
by Yumeroh
As many of you have asked us to know what our plans are concerning the future of our MMORPG Ryzom, we wanted to let you know that they are mainly:
  • To get profitable and raise enough money to allow us to finance all our development dreams.
  • To get all our new Developer Teams up to date with the Ryzom Code - which I can assure you is no little task as the code of Ryzom includes millions of lines.
  • Meanwhile, with the help of our new CTO Vianney Lecroart, we are preparing a yearly dev plan of tasks, milestones, and goals that we would like to achieve, prioritize and define; in short, all the things that will make our game even better like completing bug fixes, implementing new missions, creating new content and new game features that we think you will love and deserve to have.
Every day we are thinking about where we want to go and what we want to achieve for you. But we don't want to make the mistake of planning bad decisions because we hadn't prepared enough or we rushed into these decisions too quickly; we want to prepare ourselves as best as possible before giving you any straight answers. Don't forget that an MMORPG is an extremely complex living thing, especially Ryzom.

So as you can see we have quite a lot of work ahead of us, as we now have behind us; lots more thinking and preparation in the pipeline before we can answer for definite all of your questions. Don't think that because we didn't communicate very much these past months that we were doing nothing; don't forget that we've only had the game data for less than three months and look at what we've done so far, it is already something to be very proud of :
  1. We have redone our website entirely.
  2. We have reopened all three shards for free to everyone less than one month ago.
  3. Last week we opened our new Nel MMORPG 3D engine open source website: where, if you are a coder and want to help us, you can join our new open source community.
  4. We have been recruiting and forming new developer.
  5. We have reactivated our customer support.
  6. We have created a new marketing teams, all this at the same time!
A lot of you have probably been wondering how long the testing phase and the associated free access for everyone will last. Well we can tell you for now that Ryzom will stay free for everyone *at least* until the end of October, and possibly longer. If you haven't done so already, or if you don't know what we're talking about and just want to try out game for free, you can download it here, and you can create a FREE Ryzom account on this page (Hurry up, no credit card required for the moment). ;)

And by the way : HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYZOM! That's right, today is Ryzom's Birthday !

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:21 pm
by akovylin
And how old are u granny? :D DD

Nice post but...
where's boroshi?
any any small small hint hint what we will see next? :D

alamati wood anyone? O.o was it fun? O.o

and last one edit - yooohoooo i'm first here :D

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:23 pm
by dakhound
can we have a blackjack table to go with the wheel (posting on behalf of jayce)

otherwise great, communication > content - well for now at least

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:25 pm
by katriell
Thank you. :)

Fourth birthday.

One question: Where are the lore pages and Atys Chronicles?

Also, a guildmate wonders if inactive accounts can be allowed to post on the forums (and read them without logging out).

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:28 pm
by ajsuk

Oh, and Jack lies. :p

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:34 pm
by iphdrunk
Thanks for the update! it's good to know how things are evolving, that we can still tell friends to try the game for a while at least. Let's hope that the new planning works. You do sound motivated, and I , for one, appreciate what has been done to date... and Happy birthday!



* David Cohen Corval: "we are working on it"
- Oh, it's great! dude, d'you see whan they coming up with?? that could be uberestest!!!!11

* Ms Mulligan: "we are working on it"
- Oh, it's great! dude, now she's in charge, thing will gets rolling now yeah!

* Xavier, PostApocaplyse Nevrax: "we are working on it"
- Uhm... it's nice, dude, maybe they can get those bugs fixed... and they put a thread on minor annoyances :)

* Gameforge: "we are^H
- Uhm, give them some time, they are new, you know...

* Spiderweb: "we are working on it"
- Uhm, ok. At least you got the game running quite smoothly and we can't complain! :D

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:34 pm
by boroshi
katriell wrote:Also, a guildmate wonders if inactive accounts can be allowed to post on the forums (and read them without logging out).
Unfortunately this isn't possible at the moment due to a technical consideration. Once the testing phase is over, they should be able to resubscribe and post as normal :)

Edit: And I'm still here, don't worry. Yumeroh is the Ryzom Community Liason, so he'll be posting some things for you instead of "admin" :cool:

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:43 pm
by xl2i5
Thank you so much for the info.


Of course everyone is going to add their two cents.. so here is mine..

I think the majority of us older players are happy and willing to start paying for our wonderful ryzom. I understand the need to keep it free to get a larger player base, so in no way am i suggesting to switch to pay accounts. But for those who want to help out financially, do you have some sort of contribution pot.. maybe a Paypal account you guys could set up?

Long Live Ryzom!

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:46 pm
by sx4rlet
Nice, thanks for the update!

(I assume you know there are more people wanting to help in different ways, so feel free to ask help from the players...)

Re: Ryzom Development Plans

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:50 pm
by arfindel
Welcome Yumeroh and may you always give us good news :)
Thank you for the info and all ears for more of it too :)

Happy Birthday Atys, our precious, fragile home :)