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Ideas on the "permanent" scenario hosting problem

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:02 am
by chibiarc
Wrote it somewhere else already, but here again:

Another thing I heard about why the ring scenarios aren't permanent were the resources needed. But in fact not that much is needed.

For example one could allow each account to host one masterless scenario in the ring as a fair trade and keep playing normally.
Then all the scenarios are just held in standby mode in the ring and only those where players want access to or those who already have players inside are activated and started on the servers.

This way the ring would keep a fairly large list of scenarios on standby mode and a player can activate and make them load by joining them. Once the last player leaves the scenario, it is reset and put on standby again.

The hosting player could then draw back the scenario, upload another or put a mastered one there (where he has to be online and inside obviously).

If resource problems occur e.g. due to 20 scenarios running, one could add a priority waiting queue where scenarios that ran recently have a low priority and maybe combined with a maximum running time of an hour. The scenario is still in the ring list, but only allowed to run for one hour straight and has to go to the queue again after.

I think the resource problem can be solved a way or another, but I don't really like to see the idea to pay more to be able to host them permanently or to buy "land" as in other games. This would as usual split the community in rich and poor people and ruin the fun imho.

Re: Ideas on the "permanent" scenario hosting problem

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:13 pm
by nuitwaters
Completely agree, I was on the terminal last night and didn't see anything listed so I went ahead and loaded ryzom on my second computer and logged on my older character to host an event.

I would like to hear what the new team has plans on for the Ring. Atleast host some of the sample ones guys!