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Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:22 pm
by autoearn
Hi, I'm very new to this game and was wondering if it is possible to re-arrange the actions in the hand bar.

For example, I would like to set hand bar 1 for fight, 2 for magic etc...
The problem is that I do not know how to move the action from bar 1 to bar 2 (or the corresponding bar).

Anyone can help me out pls?
Thanks in advance!

Re: Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:34 pm
by ajsuk
Pretty sure it's not possible to move actions between bars. (Sucks I know)
But since you are reorganising things you may find duplicating on the same bar useful for those similar actions, that is at least is possible via either shift or alt + dragging, I think...

Re: Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:56 pm
by autoearn
Cheers Jayce for your quick reply!

So, I think a 'work-around' is to create a new action on the bar I want by copying exactly the stanzas in them on the first bar...

Would that work? :confused: And if i delete them afterwards from the 1st bar, would they still exist in the 2nd one (i.e. the one I created)?
Also, is the Actions window sort of an inventory of my actions acquired?

I think it would have been awesome if we could assign a particular bar with every item you can equip, so that if I equip a sword my customised actions on that particular bar would be switched on... :cool:

Thanks again!

Re: Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:34 pm
by ajsuk
Yep, you can build as many duplicate actions on different bars as you like as long as you're building them from scratch, and they are completely individual (so when you delete, only _that_ one will disappear). You just can't easily copy them between bars is all. =/

Yes, the actions window lists the actions you can get/have (lit up) in their appropriate tree/level blocks.

Re: Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:36 pm
by acridiel
Hit b to see all actions you acquired and can acquire in the future.
Drag and drop needed (basic) actions to the second bar (reached by clicking on the "up" arrow next to the bar) and then customize them by rightclick->edit action.

Yes, it would be quite handy for the program to recognize which armor you´re wearing, but as each and every piece of armor is interchangeable and can be combined with any other piece of light/heavy/medium it would result in a HUGE load of new code for every possible combination to be considered. Not feasible in my opinion. There´d be simply too many possible combinations to code. ;)

So, we´ll have to make do with clicking to a new handsbar by, well... hand. ;) :D

Works fine for me, got a Melee bar, two magic bars, a craft bar, two forage bars. Just keep track of your actions by naming them appropriately. You´ll get confused if everythings namend "New Action X" ;)


Re: Hand Bar Question

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 3:54 pm
by autoearn
Thanks people for your help! ;)