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Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:07 am
by svayvti
After the success of the first event, Guilds Comitatus Praetorian and the Pilgrims of Atys are looking forward to hosting this event again in Zora at 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacifc on Saturday, 6th of November (00:00 GMT 6 November) in Zora Town Center:

Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show.

Meet the Guilds Night:

Introduce your guild to your fellow homins and show off your guild members. If you would like your guild to participate, please email or contact Gorran or Svayvti in game with your guild name and guild leader. There is opportunity for as many guilds as would like to participate and a chance for all those looking for a guild to meet their prospective guildmates in person to get to know them.

Fashion Show:
After the guilds have a chance to show off, it's time for you homins to strut your stuff! Show us your finery, let us see the marvelous armor and awesome weapons that you have. You crafters, this is a chance to show off your crafting plans. You non-crafters, this is a chance to show off the amazing gear you've bought or see what is available to buy or make.

The guilds Comitatus Praetorian and the Pilgrims of Atys are please to welcome all homins and their guilds to our beautiful home of Zora!

Re: Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 12:54 pm
by gralen
We're looking forward to this event with even more anticipation than the first Meet the Guilds Night and Fashion Show, more guilds are fighting their way through to visit neighboring lands, crafters are turning out gear that is more eye catching than ever before!

As above contact Svayvti or myself ingame or at or Svayvti's email address above.

Re: Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 12:41 am
by svayvti
Due to recent events and ongoing events this weekend (plus the fact that me and Gorran are just plain busy) this event is going to be postponed one week till November the 6th.

Re: Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:31 pm
by vguerin
Great, this Saturday is when my city wants trick or treaters out and it would have been difficult. I look forward to your event and hope to get more guildies to your fine lands.

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Re: Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:16 pm
by gralen
vguerin wrote:Great, this Saturday is when my city wants trick or treaters out and it would have been difficult. I look forward to your event and hope to get more guildies to your fine lands.
Yeah, a number of people have that issue going this weekend and with work schedules not cooperating as well, it was felt best to postpone one week.

Re: Meet the Guilds night and Fashion show 2!

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:59 pm
by svayvti
We are all still hosting this event as planned this weekend!

Train up your new crafting skills, bring your old crafted goods! once again its time to show off what our crafters can do and how stylish we can look.

Also looking for more guilds to participate in the meet the guilds night. So if you're interested, please contact either myself or Gralen.

See you saturday!