Log Starting [2008/09/03 11:26:07]
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe driver_direct3d_vertex.cpp 715 : VAR: 65535 vertices supported
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe driver_direct3d_vertex.cpp 716 : VAR: Success to allocate 16.8 Mo of AGP VAR Ram
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe driver_direct3d_profile.cpp 73 : PERFORMANCE INFO: enableUsedTextureMemorySum has been set to true in CDriverD3D
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1028 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data/, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile bagne_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/bagne_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile bagne_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/bagne_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile bagne_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/bagne_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile bagne_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/bagne_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile bagne_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/bagne_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_animations.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_animations.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hof_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hof_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_barman_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_barman_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_ruflaket_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_ruflaket_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_fy_hom_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_fy_hom_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_casque01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_casque01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hof_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hof_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_ma_hom_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_ma_hom_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_refugee_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_refugee_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hof_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hof_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_refugee_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_refugee_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_tr_hom_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_tr_hom_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hof_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hof_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_armor00_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_armor00_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_armor01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_armor01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_caster01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_caster01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_cheveux_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_civil01_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_civil01_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_underwear_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_underwear_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_maps_zo_hom_visage_hr.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_maps_zo_hom_visage_hr.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_skeletons.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_skeletons.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile characters_swt.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/characters_swt.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile construction.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/construction.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile data_common.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/data_common.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_bank.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_bank.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_displaces.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_displaces.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_pacs_prim.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_pacs_prim.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_tiles.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_tiles.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_vegetables.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_vegetables.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile desert_vegetable_sets.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/desert_vegetable_sets.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fauna_animations.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fauna_animations.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fauna_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fauna_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fauna_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fauna_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fauna_skeletons.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fauna_skeletons.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_island_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_island_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_island_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_island_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_island_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_island_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_newbie_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_newbie_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_newbie_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_newbie_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_newbie_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_newbie_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile fyros_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/fyros_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile gamedev.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/gamedev.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile indoors_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/indoors_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile indoors_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/indoors_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile indoors_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/indoors_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile indoors_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/indoors_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile interfaces.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/interfaces.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_bank.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_bank.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_displaces.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_displaces.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_pacs_prim.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_pacs_prim.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_tiles.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_tiles.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_vegetables.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_vegetables.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile jungle_vegetable_sets.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/jungle_vegetable_sets.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_bank.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_bank.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_pacs_prim.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_pacs_prim.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_tiles.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_tiles.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_vegetables.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_vegetables.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile lacustre_vegetable_sets.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/lacustre_vegetable_sets.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile leveldesign.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/leveldesign.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_island_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_island_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_island_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_island_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_island_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_island_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile matis_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/matis_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile newbieland_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/newbieland_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile newbieland_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/newbieland_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile newbieland_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/newbieland_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile newbieland_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/newbieland_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile newbieland_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/newbieland_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile nexus_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/nexus_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile nexus_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/nexus_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile nexus_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/nexus_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile nexus_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/nexus_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile objects.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/objects.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile outgame.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/outgame.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_bank.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_bank.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_displaces.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_displaces.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_pacs_prim.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_pacs_prim.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_tiles.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_tiles.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_vegetables.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_vegetables.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile primes_racines_vegetable_sets.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/primes_racines_vegetable_sets.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_desert.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_desert.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_desert2.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_desert2.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_desert_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_desert_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_desert_pz.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_desert_pz.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_forest.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_forest.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_forest2.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_forest2.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_forest_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_forest_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_forest_pz.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_forest_pz.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_jungle.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_jungle.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_jungle2.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_jungle2.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_jungle_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_jungle_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_jungle_pz.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_jungle_pz.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_lakes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_lakes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_lakes2.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_lakes2.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_lakes_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_lakes_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_lakes_pz.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_lakes_pz.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_misc.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_misc.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_roots.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_roots.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_roots2.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_roots2.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_roots_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_roots_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile r2_roots_pz.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/r2_roots_pz.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile route_gouffre_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/route_gouffre_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile route_gouffre_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/route_gouffre_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile route_gouffre_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/route_gouffre_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile route_gouffre_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/route_gouffre_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile route_gouffre_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/route_gouffre_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sfx.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sfx.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sky.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sky.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sound.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sound.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sources_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sources_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sources_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sources_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sources_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sources_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sources_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sources_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile sources_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/sources_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile terre_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/terre_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile terre_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/terre_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile terre_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/terre_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile terre_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/terre_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile terre_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/terre_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_island_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_island_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_island_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_island_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_island_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_island_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_island_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_island_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_newbie_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_newbie_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_newbie_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_newbie_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile tryker_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/tryker_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_island_ig.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_island_ig.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_island_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_island_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_island_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_island_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_lightmaps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_lightmaps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_maps.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_maps.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_pacs.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_pacs.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_shapes.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_shapes.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe big_file.cpp 125 : CBigFile::add : bigfile zorai_zones.bnp already added.
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1354 : PATH: CPath::addSearchBigFile(data/zorai_zones.bnp, 0, 0): can't add the big file
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1006 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data_common/, recursive, not alternative): 'data_common/' is not a directory, I'll call addSearchFile()
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1148 : PATH: CPath::addSearchFile(data_common/, 0, ''): 'data_common/' is not found, skip it (current dir is 'C:/Program Files/Ryzom'
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(remap_files.csv): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1006 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_Elem, not recursive, not alternative): 'data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_Elem' is not a directory, I'll call addSearchFile()
2008/09/03 11:26:07 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 1148 : PATH: CPath::addSearchFile(data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_Elem, 0, ''): 'data_leveldesign/leveldesign/Game_Elem' is not found, skip it (current dir is 'C:/Program Files/Ryzom'
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe init.cpp 1066 : PROFILE: 0 seconds for Add search paths Data
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe init.cpp 1075 : PROFILE: 9 seconds for prelogInit
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe client.cpp 474 : Pre-Login Init of Ryzom success
2008/09/03 11:26:07 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe client.cpp 477 : Login of Ryzom...
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_default.tga cursor : initial size = 26 x 26, new size = 22 x 22
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_pan.tga cursor : initial size = 42 x 42, new size = 35 x 35
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 227 : Resampling mouse curs_pan.tga cursor : initial size = 35 x 35, new size = 32 x 32
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_pick.tga cursor : initial size = 32 x 32, new size = 27 x 27
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_resize_br_tl.tga cursor : initial size = 25 x 25, new size = 21 x 21
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_resize_lr.tga cursor : initial size = 32 x 32, new size = 27 x 27
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_resize_tb.tga cursor : initial size = 33 x 33, new size = 28 x 28
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_rotate.tga cursor : initial size = 35 x 35, new size = 29 x 29
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_scale.tga cursor : initial size = 35 x 35, new size = 29 x 29
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_can_pan.tga cursor : initial size = 35 x 35, new size = 29 x 29
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_resize_bl_tr.tga cursor : initial size = 24 x 24, new size = 20 x 20
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_r.tga cursor : initial size = 30 x 30, new size = 25 x 25
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_l.tga cursor : initial size = 32 x 32, new size = 27 x 27
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse curs_m.tga cursor : initial size = 24 x 24, new size = 20 x 20
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe custom_mouse.cpp 198 : Resampling mouse text_cursor.tga cursor : initial size = 2 x 2, new size = 1 x 1
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(log_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(quit_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(quit_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe path.cpp 549 : PATH: CPath::lookup(quit_over.tga): file not found
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe i18n.cpp 194 : I18N: The string uiLodValue did not exist in language en (display once)
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2918 : <CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTarget> can't find target link webstart
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2950 : <CInterfaceParser::splitLinkTargets> Can't get link target
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2169 : no group found for webstart
2008/09/03 11:26:13 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 864 : could not parse tree
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2376 : the element ui:login:catdisp:content:cat_win was not found as ui:login:catdisp:content:scroll_bar position reference
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2376 : the element ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr
laceholder was not found as ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:but_close position reference
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2376 : the element ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr
laceholder was not found as ui:login:create_account:content:submit_gr:but_submit position reference
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2376 : the element ui:login:create_account:content:login_gr
laceholder was not found as ui:login:create_account:content:login_gr:but_close position reference
2008/09/03 11:26:13 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 2376 : the element ui:login:create_account:content:login_gr
laceholder was not found as ui:login:create_account:content:login_gr:but_login position reference
2008/09/03 11:26:14 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe login.cpp 831 : Using verbose log mode
2008/09/03 11:26:14 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe login.cpp 707 : Using verbose log mode
2008/09/03 11:26:14 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe login.cpp 916 : Can't get the reg key 'Login'
2008/09/03 11:26:14 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe login.cpp 1896 : CAHInitResLod called
2008/09/03 11:26:14 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe group_html.cpp 2243 : WEB: GET 'release.html'
2008/09/03 11:26:14 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe libwww.cpp 215 : R:\code\ryzom\src_v2\client\interface_v3\group_html.cpp(1594) : LIBWWW HTRequest_kill returned a bad status
2008/09/03 11:26:14 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe group_html.cpp 2243 : WEB: GET 'release.html'
2008/09/03 11:26:14 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe libwww.cpp 215 : R:\code\ryzom\src_v2\client\interface_v3\group_html.cpp(1594) : LIBWWW HTRequest_kill returned a bad status
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe chat_filter.cpp 81 : Bad people list, can't remove
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe chat_filter.cpp 81 : Bad people list, can't remove
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe chat_filter.cpp 81 : Bad people list, can't remove
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3890 : 0 seconds for removeAllLinks
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3893 : 0 seconds for removeAllOptions
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3896 : 0 seconds for removeAllProcedures
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3899 : 0 seconds for removeAllDefines
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3902 : 0 seconds for removeAllTemplates
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3905 : 0 seconds for removeAllAnims
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3871 : 0 seconds for all unlinkAllContainers
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3881 : 0 seconds for all delete _MasterGroups
2008/09/03 11:26:51 INF bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe interface_parser.cpp 3908 : 0 seconds for removeAllMasterGroups
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe editor.cpp 3906 : *R2* release
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe game_context_menu.cpp 84 : gamecontextmenu:init: 'ui:interface:game_context_menu' window does not exist.
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe editor.cpp 3906 : *R2* release
2008/09/03 11:26:51 WRN bfc client_ryzom_rd.exe game_context_menu.cpp 84 : gamecontextmenu:init: 'ui:interface:game_context_menu' window does not exist.