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[UNOFFICIAL] Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:47 am
by muadhib
Hello Homins,

have you grown tired of restoring your "save" folder contents after a crash of the game client?

Have you given up setting up your landmarks or UI settings because you know you'll lose them again?

Rejoice, because these times are over! :)

Rystore is a small launcher for the Ryzom game client. I mainly wrote it because I grew tired of having to manually restore my configuration settings after a crash.

When you launch Ryzom from the launcher, it will backup all your configuration files from the "save" folder, then start the game client. If the game quits, either due to a crash or normally, it will check the integrity of your configuration files and, in case one of them got corrupted, it will offer you to restore it.

In addition, Rystore lets you manually create and restore backups for your individual characters and allow you to copy your keyboard shortcut and macro settings between your characters.

Here is a screenshot of it:

The light package, not including an installer for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, can be found here: (16 KB)

The full package, including an installer for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, can be found here: (22.4 MB)

For installation instructions and everything else, please read the "Readme.txt" file in that ZIP.

The full source code (written in C#, only interesting for developers) can be downloaded here: (29 KB)


[ Note : This tool is an unofficial, player-created utility and as such is not supported by the CSR Team. If you encounter any problems using it, please direct them to the creator ]

Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:15 am
by blaah
muadhib wrote:If you want to download it, the ZIP is 22.4 MB in size and can be found here:
drop the dotnetfx (put a link to microsoft site to download it for those who does not already have it) and it drops to reasonable 50KiB size.

Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:29 am
by chibiarc
Was already wondering why such a tiny utility is 22megs in size...

Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:30 am
by muadhib
blaah wrote:drop the dotnetfx (put a link to microsoft site to download it for those who does not already have it) and it drops to reasonable 50KiB size.
That's what I first intended to do, blaah.
I decided against it for two reasons:

1. Most of the players probably don't know what dotnetfx is and if they have it, or how to check. So those would go download it off the microsoft site anyway. Hence, for them it's more convenient to include it in the package.

2. We all are playing an MMO, so I assume we all have fast internet connections. Downloading 23 MB, even if for some us 22 MB are unnecessary, is not a big deal if you have DSL or broadband.

I can put up an additional package that does not include dotnetfx though. For those who know they have it installed.


Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:53 am
by kaetemi
I made a tool once to backup/export landmarks from your configuration files, but I was told that it is not allowed to use non-official tools to add/remove/modify/whatever any Ryzom related files.

Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:08 am
by muadhib
kaetemi wrote:I made a tool once to backup/export landmarks from your configuration files, but I was told that it is not allowed to use non-official tools to add/remove/modify/whatever any Ryzom related files.
Well Rystore doesn't modify any ryzom related files. It just does automatically what you normally would do manually in windows explorer. Copy your save folder contents back and forth.

I don't see a violation of the CoC/EULA in it, but we will see what the new owner thinks soon enough, I think. ;)


Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:12 am
by kaetemi
muadhib wrote:Well Rystore doesn't modify any ryzom related files. It just does automatically what you normally would do manually in windows explorer. Copy your save folder contents back and forth.
Save folder contents are also Ryzom related files ;)

Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:20 am
by muadhib
kaetemi wrote:Save folder contents are also Ryzom related files ;)
That is arguable.

I would say, save folder contents are very much your own personal documents. Like your word document is not owned by Microsoft just cause you used MS Word to write it.

Game saves are not included in the original distribution of the software. They are the result of your use of the software.

Hence, they are yours and you can backup and restore them as much as you want.

You may not reverse-engineer their format / structure in order to write 3rd party software to deal with those documents in a way the owner didn't intend to.

That's where I see the main difference here. Your program extracted and modified parts of the configuration files, hence you have reverse engineered the file format and wrote code that deals with the file's internal format.

I'm just copying the files as a whole. That should be fair use, really.


Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:54 am
by acridiel
Great work anyway :p

Mind if I put it on my site do help distribute it?
Will do ASAP (at work right now, with no access to my ftp)


Re: Rystore - Ryzom launch pad and configuration backup / restore

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:00 pm
by muadhib
acridiel wrote:Great work anyway :p

Mind if I put it on my site do help distribute it?
Will do ASAP (at work right now, with no access to my ftp)

Of course I don't mind. You can distribute it freely.
