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A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:42 pm
by katriell
Go here.

If it seems logical, I'll turn it into a vector graphic.

So, feedback please.

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:49 pm
by kitty157
Awesome idea! I love it!

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:38 pm
by acridiel
Hmhyes... nice Idea! :)


Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:01 am
by alisa112
Incredibly brilliant, as usual.


Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:19 am
by komissar
katriell wrote: So, feedback please.
A brilliant idea Jel :)

I can propose creating individual pictograms for zorai crafters :)
Would be nice if we finally got the Matis text translated from french aswell...

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:39 am
by katriell
komissar wrote:I can propose creating individual pictograms for zorai crafters :)
Good idea. ^_^

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:27 am
by ffxjosh
abosolutly amazing idea.

Personaly i would prefer something like

Outer Track:

Starting at the top and working clockwise (which is different to yours)

1 = Basic
2 = Fine
3 = Choice
4 = Exellent
5 = Supreme

Inner track
Starting at the top and working clockwise

The Q of the item (similir to yours) in Q10's

For example a Q9 wold have no inner filled, but a Q250 would have all filled.

Mainly becuase most crafters craft to a Q10 range.

however each block represents to the nearest Q10 so a Supreme Q250 would have everything colours in. A choice Q100 would have the 3 outer filled and 10 inner filled.

I really like your idea tho :D

// Anatti

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:20 pm
by sidusar
Oooh, I love the idea! :)
katriell wrote:If it seems logical
No, it doesn't exactly seem logical. :p For one I'd put the circle end on the right side. For two I'd only color one outer segment (50+30=80) and not two (100+30=/=80). For three I'd make the inner icons represent either 1 or 5 or 10 Qlt, never 2. But such illogicalities do give the mark an appropriately exotic appearance. :D

Why would it only represent the 1-250 quality though? Why not the basic/fine/choice/exc/sup or the LQ/MQ/HQ?

I am intrigued by how variations of this mark could be made, as I'd fully expect every society to have their own slightly different version of it. For example, like this.

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:04 pm
by katriell
Ah, I'm liking how this thread is going now - critique and alternative ideas. :)

That design is very cool, Sidusar, as is the underlying concept of different societies having their own versions.

I don't understand why the circle end should be on the right side? I think of it as an arrow head. That said, "o------- Read me this way!" is really less lucid than "<------- Read me this way!" so maybe the "circle end" should be a trapezoid with the thin end leftmost.

Anatti's idea is more logical than mine, and the graphics Sidusar and I have drawn don't even need to be modified to implement it. So all I did is update the on-image documentation.
sidusar wrote:Why would it only represent the 1-250 quality though? Why not the <snip because it's solved by Anatti> the LQ/MQ/HQ?
Because LQ/MQ/HQ is determined by looking at the item itself. :p

Re: A speculative drawing of a homin craft mark

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:32 pm
by kitty157
katriell wrote: I don't understand why the circle end should be on the right side? I think of it as an arrow head. That said, "o------- Read me this way!" is really less lucid than "<------- Read me this way!" so maybe the "circle end" should be a trapezoid with the thin end leftmost.
Well, upon looking at it I saw the circle as an end point, not as something pointing. Kinda like the little bulb at the end of a thermometer.