Here is a common ANNOYING error.
The ERROR manifest thus:
A little square thing pops up and says: "Please Wait..." (with a globe and a computer connected to it but with a red cross)[connection failure]
This is very common with MMOs and such. Network drop, Communication failure, Server-Client Time out, etc., etc.
These are very common on ALL MMOs.
The only difference with RYZOM is that unlike 'OTHER' Games this (most of the time) cannot re-estabilish the connection to the server. It does try though. That is why you get the 'Please Wait...' message. And it does not matter how long yo wait, it's just there. I waited 3 hours and 22 minutes before closing the game and restarting it.
Some people claim it's the server's fault, (I know so did i until i looked into it a bit further and realised it can't reconnect) and some people claim it's hardware fault in gamer's side, and some people claim it's the gamer's computer's software and firmware not upto date. In short there is a lot of debate going on about this.
I don't exactly know the cause, or the solution to this, but i hope someone from Technical Developement of RYZOM will read this and be usefull to him/her.
This error is like a phone without redial button. Unable to reconnect.
I really hope a new patch will soon come out with the 'CURE' to the poisoning.
P.S.: Maybe if they put an extra window or button for reconnecting without having to close and restart the game would be helpfull. Something like re-login or disconnect and reconnect.
Please Wait... (Network Disconnection)
Re: Please Wait... (Network Disconnection)
I also have this problem sometimes.
I found that if I hit Ctrl+Alt+ Delete to bring up task manager menu( I am using Vista) that will will fix the problem one time, and it seems one time only.
It does this to me almost every time of I die and respawn, or if I leave the guild house or apartment and it has to load, so I am thinking it has something to do with that.
I think its also the reason why sometimes my mouse will not work or my keyboard don't work, because they work until the game loads out to the game screen to start playing then dies.
So I think it has something to do when it has to stop and load part of the game, either because it has to load the terrain or the game itself.
I hope if other people has these problems they post also so if its a wide problem maybe it can get looked into, as I have played this game since November of 04 and it didn't used to do it, I started dong it sometime like the last patch before gameforge left.(what a parting gift).
I made another account so I could post, as for some reason my account was labeled inactive when the servers shut down.
I found that if I hit Ctrl+Alt+ Delete to bring up task manager menu( I am using Vista) that will will fix the problem one time, and it seems one time only.
It does this to me almost every time of I die and respawn, or if I leave the guild house or apartment and it has to load, so I am thinking it has something to do with that.
I think its also the reason why sometimes my mouse will not work or my keyboard don't work, because they work until the game loads out to the game screen to start playing then dies.
So I think it has something to do when it has to stop and load part of the game, either because it has to load the terrain or the game itself.
I hope if other people has these problems they post also so if its a wide problem maybe it can get looked into, as I have played this game since November of 04 and it didn't used to do it, I started dong it sometime like the last patch before gameforge left.(what a parting gift).
I made another account so I could post, as for some reason my account was labeled inactive when the servers shut down.