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Mouse/keyboard problems under vista(observations)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:47 pm
by kennethd
As we all know I have been having problems with this issue so I have been trying out different things to see if it is a hardware configuration problem or a client problem, these are results from some of my testing so far.

No mouse cursor at start up, or disappearing during play.

there is a difference between the two.

If you do not have a cursor from the start, there is no control at all of the mouse, it is like it is completely dead, like it is not recognized by the client.

If you have a mouse at the start but it disappears(which can be anytime 5 minutes in or 3 hours). You still can use the mouse to zoom, look, turn, the only thing is the cursor is missing, so therefore you are unable to select icons, option items or adjust anything.

Things I have tried to fix the problem.

1.) I have tried pulling the mouse and or keyboard usb cable out (since my keyboard and mouse are connected to my front usb ports and I have tried using some of my rear ones also, make no difference). and plugging it back in, result, Nothing.

2.) Hit Alt+Tab and try to switch to the desktop, result, about half the time I can do this without the game crashing, other half the game goes into a not responding state and locks up and will not maximize back. If it does come back its a 50/50 chance that the mouse cursor will come back if it had disappeared while playing, If the mouse did not work from game startup, it made no difference, the mouse still would not work anytime I tried this.

3.) Hit Control+alt+delete, Two things happen if in full screen, Sometimes the Task Manager screen will not show up it stays trapped behind the game and makes no difference. If the cursor had disappeared during play and the task manager screen does pop up, It will restore the cursor back to the game. If the mouse did not work from start up then it made no difference.

I have only had non startup of the keyboard, it has always worked if it worked at startup.

1.) The same thing applies to the keyboard as to the non starting mouse, if it didn't start at startup nothing will bring it back.

Here are some of my conclusions.

If the mouse cursor disappears it seems to do it when.

1.) The game has to stop and load. (Most common.)
2.) you move it fast across the screen. (Second most common.)
3.) sometimes repeatedly clicking the mouse fast will do it also. (Least common.).

Note: that this is the same for both full screen and windowed mode, other then the Task Manager will always show up if you are in windowed mode. and if you switch Alt+Tab in windowed mode it will still sometimes go to a non responding state and lock up if you try to switch tabs to desktop.

I am not a software engineer or a tech so I will not even give you my opinion as to what I think, I would probably be wrong.

Hopefully this can help in some way for those of us having these problems

Re: Mouse/keyboard problems under vista(observations)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:01 pm
by boroshi
Try using shift+f9 to toggle between hardware/software mouse input - this usually fixes most of the issues you describe.

Re: Mouse/keyboard problems under vista(observations)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:57 pm
by kennethd
I forgot to post I tried that, sorry.

It makes no difference it still disappears the same.