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Guild Question(s)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:26 pm
by neverdie
Can Guilds in Ryzom have more than one "leader". Meaning, can more than one player authorize new guild members and kick those who need kicking?

Also, can you control rights of users in the Guild Hall (once you buy one)? Different member levels being allowed to different levels of stuff?

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:38 pm
by jovail01
There is only one leader for each guild, but most guilds will have officers and high officers, both can invite (and possibly kick) players, high officers have access to the contents of the guild hall.
At least in my experience, I still a bit noobie :p

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:42 pm
by ajsuk
Yep, shes right :)

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:46 pm
by neverdie
Are there any provisions for tracking who-took-what out of the Hall? A log, or something?

EDIT: thanks for the quick responses BTW :)

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:52 pm
by sidusar
A complete (to my knowledge) overview of the ranks in Ryzom guilds:

Officer. (Can have 1 officer for every 5? members, can always have at least 1.)
- Can invite new members.
- Can kick members out.
- Can change the guild motd.

High Officer. (Can have 1 high officer for every 10? members, can always have at least 1.)
- Can access the Guild Hall.
- Can promote/demote officers.
- Can declare war on outposts.
- Can set outpost squads and buildings.

Leader. (There can be only one.)
- Can promote/demote high officers.
- Can transfer Leader position to another member.
- Can buy a (new) Guild Hall.
- Can disband the guild.

Every rank can do what the lower ranks can do too, ofcourse. :)

Only the Leader and High Officers can take stuff out of the Hall, but unfortunally, there's no log to see who took what.

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 3:22 pm
by neverdie
Thank you for all of the replies.

One more question: how large is the Guild Hall? How many items/bulk can it hold?

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:50 pm
by sidusar
A Guild Hall can hold 10.000 bulk. (By comparison, a homin can hold 300, a packer 500, an appartment 2000.)

I can check on the number of items limit tomorrow, but in 95% of the cases you'll hit the bulk limit long before you hit the item limit. (Which is why I don't even know the item limit. :p )

EDIT: The items limit is 1000 slots. Same as an appartment.

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:02 am
by neverdie
Can we use guild halls to store dappers? And can other guild members retrieve stored dappers? Sort of like WoW's guild bank?

Also (off topic) can you store dappers in your apartment?

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:23 am
by kalindra
Everybody in the guild can deposit dappers in the guildhall to make a guild fund of some sort, but I think only High Officers and Guild Leader can withdraw dappers from there.

It's actually possible to reach item limit before bulk limit... damn cats. :rolleyes:

Re: Guild Question(s)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:32 am
by tigrus
Guess I gotta use more cats ;)