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Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:14 am
by johntf
Just a simple question here, despite the many fanboys and girls up in arms with joy I'm here to ask a sane question; since quite frankly I've been around ryzom long enough to see it feck up repeatedly due to bad management and running of the game.
So why should I return, will there be new content ? (yes I said the bad C word), new level caps ?, will the game be run in a fair and impartial manner ?, will decisions be made by whats good for the company and games long term future and not just to appease some long term forum whiners ?
Have you considered starting the game with completely fresh servers ? I know it sounds extreme but seriously if you ever hope you find new customers and a decent base of them thats your only sane option. There's too many existing high level players, and all those ranting on about how they love aytss surely wouldnt mind showing their love by taking one for the team for the long term good of the game would they ?
After all to attract a large amount of new players you need a fresh start, you can't have exiting powerbases especially ones of a very small number of players lording it over the new paying customers you so desperately need.
If you want to reward those who where old players, or those who signed up right until the end (nice to see the later rewarded but hardly the most objective test group for the game returning

) give them custom mounts for the players they make when they fresh start (although obviously put a cash or level cap on it as all the fun of a new server is trekking without a mount) or some new ceremonial armour thats only there for look more than being uber.
So seriously not to be negative from the start, but hey critical thinking is the way to do things. If I see ryzom making the same mistakes it always did personally I won't pay to play again or renew my subscription. The game still needs what it always needed, new varied interesting content, and ontop of that more than ever this game needs a fresh start server wise. Nuke all our old chars.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:44 am
by moyaku
You should only return if you feel like it's an opportunity to have a good time with friends.
If you'd rather live in the past and miss the chance to enjoy yourself once more it s up to you.
Anyway, you can't blame new owner for what happened last year and the year before so give em a chance before going all negative.
When I started Ryzom there already were many players who had reach multiple Masters and it never was a down side to my game experience, since most of em (if not all) have always been willing to help out noobs like I was (am

) to learn the basics and improve their skills. So I don't agree on the "fresh start" part of your post.
On the other side I do agree that new content should be implemented quickly (especially when some have been pending for a while such as kitin lair)...
Hope to see you there.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:51 am
by johntf
I can have a good time with friends anywhere...
As for living in the past I'm hardly doing that, I'm looking to the long term future of a game I love and asking what can be done to ensure it survives. I can blame both owners for what happened, who else is to blame for a game failing other than those who run it ? Literally who ? Seriously they did make some awful business decisions I mean think about the second english server they opened... debacle to say the least.
Sigh another person who doesn't understand critical thinking and thinkgs being negative is bad... In business as in well nearly everything in live critical thinking is the most important thing to do if you want it to be a sucess.
I don't just want to return to ryzom and play on a ghost server, with a high level character being as bored by lack of content as I am with a lack of diversity around me in the community...I want a fresh, new, youthful feel to the game again. When I enjoyed meeting old people, when exploring wasa joy, making new friends. What I don't want is the old childish animosity between Kami and Kara, the huge one sided alliances ruining the already rather basic outpost system. More lattitude allowed with the ring too.
EDIT: I spy a stealth edit above me

Well you didn't mind the existing masters but looking at your join date ryzom was relatively young and fresh then and didn't have the smell of decay on it. Look at it now, it's died twice and seen its only true unique values go. It's once great community and its role play community. As a prospective new player looking at this game, wanting to part with your hard earnt money in times when the economy is in a downturn in most places, perhaps you would want to spend it with a business that stands a chance of being here for longer than a few months...If not we will just have what we had before, an empty and depressing ghost server haunted by the weight of so much unfufilled promise.
Also I know it's early thats why I'm not asking for proof. Perhaps just a level of opacity from those running the game now (I mean we don't even know who they are !) and I'l settle for their word at the moment.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:12 pm
by pavmelas
Is the Future of the game solved by new level caps and new "content" ?
What means "Content" ?
Content is what i make out my playtime given whats possible by the enviroment. Sure investment in the future of Atys have to be made but thats nothing for now, now its free for me to join my world and i will extensively use it with a great joy.
The game in it self differs much from others and gives me enough joy for now to just be here.
To come back to "content", don't would like to see Ryzom become quest driven >.<
Encyclopedia Quest System would be good to get finished. Kitin Zones is a good idea too. Maybe changes to make ranged would be welcomed too. We just have to wait on the future announcements of developer as for now they welcome everyone back to enjoy a great game again.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:17 pm
by dakhound
new fresh server idea was tried before
just meant half the people from aris transferred there because of the great "oppression" they suffered from the evil kara's and hardly any new players joined.
next idea please
and no, I would not be happy at "taking one for the good of the game" I play for fun, not to re-grind all the stuff I did over the last 3 years.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:24 pm
by johntf
No the new fresh server idea wasn't tried before. A second fresh server running next to an existing server was tried, and that was a badly thought through and stupid decision. So no you didn't get my point.
If you play for fun, then surely you wouldn't care about level by the defenition of what you said... If regrinding skills isn't "fun" to you then being high level and having power is whats "fun" to you. Which matches your atittude of not wanting to take one for the team.
Lets put it this way, if I had taken over the game and unlike most mmorpg hosts I had an inkling of common sense, maybe up to I don't know gcse business studies (I have more I'm just pointing out how basic this is) I wouldn't give two damns about a spoilt, small, selfish population and I'd care about making profit, sucess and a game with a forseeable several year future. However if I was an idiot who took back over a game that has failed twice and completely died, I'd just pander to the existing crowd of about a thousand or two people (over all servers) and I'd struggle to make a profit and the game would die again...
So basicly you just want fun for about a few months again and then ryzom to die ? Because starting the game as it is I personally don't think is a wise business move at all.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:44 pm
by moyaku
johntf wrote:
...Sigh another person who doesn't understand critical thinking and thinkgs being negative is bad... In business as in well nearly everything in live critical thinking is the most important thing to do if you want it to be a sucess...
Actually I think I do understand critical thinking, I never said underlining negative aspects was a bad thing either. Although I do believe being negative right away after 4 days is a little early, you sound like everything is gonna be the same again when we (as you said yourself) don't even know who is the new owner and what are their aims for the game's future.
johntf wrote:
I don't just want to return to ryzom and play on a ghost server, with a high level character being as bored by lack of content as I am with a lack of diversity around me in the community...
As for the "ghost server" aspect, I m afraid it's a feeling I never yet experienced.
If "content" also means event well it's only up to the community to create some, it has been done many times before and was most of the time a success.
johntf wrote:
I want a fresh, new, youthful feel to the game again. When I enjoyed meeting old people, when exploring wasa joy, making new friends. What I don't want is the old childish animosity between Kami and Kara, the huge one sided alliances ruining the already rather basic outpost system. More lattitude allowed with the ring too.
I think it's obvious that players such as you and me will never ever get the feelings we had first time we entered PR or crossed HH simply because we already know every square centimeters of it (and starting from level 1 won't change that if you are a sneaker

), but still this never deprived me to enjoy the memories of it when wandering around.
Then making friends is still pretty easy people are open minded enough to give you a chance.
As for the childish Kami/Kara fight, well I just decided not to take part in it and just play with my friends regardless of their IG religion (yes yes this is possible)
You want the ring tweaked ? then I think Faa opened a thread about changes...
johntf wrote:
EDIT: I spy a stealth edit above me

Well you didn't mind the existing masters but looking at your join date ryzom was relatively young and fresh then and didn't have the smell of decay on it. Look at it now, it's died twice and seen its only true unique values go. It's once great community and its role play community. As a prospective new player looking at this game, wanting to part with your hard earnt money in times when the economy is in a downturn in most places, perhaps you would want to spend it with a business that stands a chance of being here for longer than a few months...If not we will just have what we had before, an empty and depressing ghost server haunted by the weight of so much unfufilled promise.
Mostly money talk... still if they do not spend it here they ll spend it somewhere else ; maybe they ll get only a few months of pleasure but the quality of it will be the same as what we experienced when you and I started playing, mostly if the community keeps the positive spirit up (only my opinion here)
johntf wrote:
Also I know it's early thats why I'm not asking for proof. Perhaps just a level of opacity from those running the game now (I mean we don't even know who they are !) and I'l settle for their word at the moment.
Wait and see

in the meanwhile come and have firewine at thesos bar so we can finish this conversation
[EDIT]Wanted you to know that I wouldn't mind starting from scratch since I enjoyed every moment of my leveling so far, but you d have to guarantee that I d get both my accounts name back tho

Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by dakhound
johntf wrote:If you play for fun, then surely you wouldn't care about level by the defenition of what you said... If regrinding skills isn't "fun" to you then being high level and having power is whats "fun" to you. Which matches your atittude of not wanting to take one for the team.
I dont like grinding, I like the endgame, grinding levels is a means to get to the endgame and therefore I would not like to do it again!, maybe you missed out on deeper side of the endgame and think we high levels are shallow and just love our flash titles. By endgame I mean killing bosses,killing npc bosses, fighting for outposts and the politics it involves.
johntf wrote:Lets put it this way, if I had taken over the game and unlike most mmorpg hosts I had an inkling of common sense, maybe up to I don't know gcse business studies (I have more I'm just pointing out how basic this is) I wouldn't give two damns about a spoilt, small, selfish population and I'd care about making profit
I remember this one, did'nt SoE have the same policy with SWG, roaring success I bow to your wisdom!, screw the players we're going mainsteam
johntf wrote:So basicly you just want fun for about a few months again and then ryzom to die ? Because starting the game as it is I personally don't think is a wise business move at all.
maybe there were reasons beyond fresh servers that ryzom failed. 1st time was because patch 1 where they screwed over all the players who'd followed it throug beta and beyond, then there was bug and bug and bugs. so development debts didnt get covered and it went bump. secondly we had the wonderful gameforge who ploughed loads of cash into ryzom.........oh whats that lassie.....they didnt.........they left it to rot with no advertising.......oh nvm.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:57 pm
by arfindel
Like Moya said, it's too early to ask after 4 days of VIP access what content, what deveopment aso, not only early but rises a second question: are we, as a highly polarized, worn out community of players a good asset for Ryzom? Heh.
Anyway at release Ryzom needs a marketing campain. During the campain there will be advertising. Advertising will answer precisely your questions. As intent. As implementation? About a year after release the game itself will answer.
Up to now: they promissed opening servers, servers are up. They promissed VIP access, VIP access is here. They promissed a new engine for the website, new website is here. Personally I prefer few promisses fulfilled rather than a ton of promisses (see 2003 release and see Ring release) 20% fulfilled.
Oh and about the subject question: the VIP access is for those who wanted to play any kind of Ryzom, similar to beta players. When the company - whatever it may be this - will want money for your playing, they will provide answers, they have no other choice. Right now, it's just a gift for the die hard fans, nothing more.
Re: Why would I want to come back to Ryzom ?
Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:00 pm
by moyaku
dakhound wrote:
next idea please
ehm...ah..huh ?!?

we could dig !
arfindel wrote:
Oh and about the subject question: the VIP access is for those who wanted to play any kind of Ryzom, similar to beta players. When the company - whatever it may be this - will want money for your playing, they will provide answers, they have no other choice. Right now, it's just a gift for the die hard fans, nothing more.
Good point indeed...