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Banner Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:46 pm
by vl
Dear Homins,

To celebrate the return of Ryzom, we would like to propose a contest to design a banner.

The aim is simple; we would like you to create the most beautiful banner you can for the Ryzom website. You can use any Ryzom materials available on the website such as artworks, screenshots, the webkits and so on. You can also use your own screenshots to add some personal touches, effects, etc. to it (but not your own drawings). Please note; you should not include the Ryzom logo, as this will already be present alongside your banner on the site. You will need image editing software to be able to create the image (such as the Gimp, Photoshop...).

As a reward, the winner will get a Ryzom T-Shirt (XL size only) and have the chance to see their creation on all the pages of the official Ryzom website, in place of the old one!

So you have some idea, the current banner is . All entries must be the same size as this one (1326 pixels by 130 pixels) and must be of the format .jpg and less than 100kb in size. You can submit up to five entries if you want, so get working!

Once you've finished your entries, send an email with them attached to [url=mailto://][/url]. Use a subject line that has the word "[Contest]" followed by your account name. As an example, someone with the account name "Joe" would use the subject line "[Contest] Joe".

The competition ends at midnight (GMT) on Sunday 24th August - this gives you about three weeks to come up with your best before the Ryzom Team picks the best and puts it on the website!

Good luck!

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:01 pm
by kalindra
Nice ! A community event ! I have a suggestion for the next one : Best advertisement banner/video. ;)

I know there are some really talented grapical artists in this community who are quite eager to see this game advertised properly. And this is probably the most helpful community you could ever dream of in any MMO. Which gives you a potential wide variety of marketing material at a very cheap cost.

Now launch that contest already. :D

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:50 pm
by acridiel
Meeeeeh, darned vacation... Anyway, I´m game! :D


Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:21 pm
by xl2i5

ill get on that also!

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 2:32 am
by dangaree
The t-shirt is mine!

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:21 am
by dihunt
"(but not your own drawings)" Not to be a pain in the butt but I am... there are quite alot of good drawers/doodlers/painter homins here. I would like to be able to draw something and submit it. <--Is currently under the impression that I can draw far, far, better than ever before. So really wants to draw something for this contest.

I understand you don't want the drawings to be misleading to the public, and want it to show the real game. But dang it! I want to draw.

Oh well.... I may just cut up someone else's art work and move it around until it looks somewhat nice and submit it.

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:08 am
by boroshi
dihunt wrote:Oh well.... I may just cut up someone else's art work and move it around until it looks somewhat nice and submit it.
The reason for that clause is one of copyright issues, among other things - please only use screenshots from the game or materials that are found on the website. ;)

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:51 am
by akjohn
Hmmm, t-shirts. Are they for sale also?

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:09 pm
by abruner
I will second that. Give us some shirts or other stuff to buy. I will gladly pay some inflated price for Ryzom loot. Especially if it is a way I can help make contributions to the success of this wonderful world.

Re: Banner Contest

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:37 pm
by komissar
Thirded - I'd buy anything Ryzom basicly. But T-shirts are most welcome.