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Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:36 pm
by abizmal
I think it is about time that the new owners let us know what was happening.

They owe it to us. The new owners will be relying on us for revenue so before I have to make my next monthly subscription to EVE, please let us know what’s happening.

There are a bunch of games in various states of development out there. Spellborn, Aion, SGW to name just a few. They are keeping potential gamers interested by participating in discussions and publishing progress reports as news items.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I find this whole secrecy thing both annoying and stupid. It does not make sense for a commercial game to not have any hype before it gets going, that’s what gives it the kick start that I am sure Ryzom needs.

So Mr or Mrs New Owner. Give the players of the wonderful game that you bought what they deserve; Information!

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:00 pm
by sidusar
Hmmm, I was just thinking of making a thread like this myself. It seems that even indepth arguments about obscure game mechanics can't keep us entertained anymore. Feels like that stage of waiting where you've given up on trying to find distractions and just go sort of numb.

I don't think they owe us anything, I just can't imagine how this secrecy could help the game. No matter what they're doing or what their plans are, it helps if your potential customers know what to expect.

The only reason I can think of for this silence is that they're afraid to tell us the bad news. My hope was up a bit when the forums came back, but now it's back down to even less than it was before. :(

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:09 pm
by kuroari
I sorta agree :/ it's sad hearing so little news, but from what we've seen with the forums coming up, going down, coming back up (quickly too!) and even the editing on the frontpage more than once (with the different background image) shows that there is SOMEONE working on 'Zom. (and i'm convinced it's Ryzom, not something to 'destroy' it) at least there is something happening (sorta.. very sorta) and we can assume mebbe the 'bosses' are just being typical corporate people with the way they're handling things? (I.E. as little effort as necessary)

but, to hell with all that, SOMEONE TELL US SOME NEWWSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

edit:: i was also thinking how there were so few new posts these days >> there won't be many more unless something happens i'm afraid, so cmon devvers, DO SOMETHING!

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:24 am
by petersk
I would have to agree.. secrecy sucks unless you are working on some AMAZING new product and a leak would destroy it... Which I doubt is the case here, but I could be wrong. And yes, there are fewer and fewer new posts, a bad sign imo. Even a "Hello all, yes we read your forums.... Thanks for all the chatter...We are working on Ryzom.....Patience is required everyone....*cringes* Sorry folks, we bit off more than we expected..." ANYTHING!!! Just let us know someone who is "in the know" is out there.

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:18 am
by whiterider
We know they read the forums - they got the frontpage image off a thread on the french board.
We know the billing server is back up, and that they're working on the shards...
We know they've been rearranging backend stuff, like the email provider and the DNS. Why bother if they weren't planning to bring Ryzom back?
As NB says, we know they're maintaining the forums - or at least the www servers.
We know there's a working dev in klients.

Yeah, it'd be nice if they'd actually talk to us. But losing hope at this point is <spock> utterly illogical </spock>.

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:36 am
by d29565
It's terrible not knowing anything. I really dont like spending my time in WoW as opposed to Ryzom. You know how terrible it is running around as a low level again?!? It's horrible!

And ugh, so many karavan in my guild *shudders* (j/k)

But seriously. Just tell us, yes you will have your game back around *insert date*. Or no, go to hell. Please.

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:41 am
by chadsta

just give us something...
i hating sitting on forums reading everyones post about the game yet we cant do anything...

offering chocolate for info :D

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:04 am
by fransuamono
chadsta wrote:amen

just give us something...
i hating sitting on forums reading everyones post about the game yet we cant do anything...

offering chocolate for info :D

Aww u say chocolate :/ U cant even imagine how i wished to know something now :(

Chizeta, Bored Homin, Addicted to chocolate..

Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:45 am
by symolan
whiterider wrote: But losing hope at this point is <spock> utterly illogical </spock>.
I think it is completely adequate to lose some hope now. Hope on a successful marketing campaign this is.

Ryzom will come back I'm sure (otherwise why bother opening the forums). But bringing Ryzom back is (not for me who will enjoy any second in Ryzom) quite pointless somehow without attracting new players. Without new players Ryzom will go bust and possibly for good this time.

How to attract new players? Well, certainly not by keeping up eternal silence.

I got the bad feeling that some tekkies have bought ryzom and are now doing this&that completely forgetting one of the more important things out there, which is marketing.

There are games out there which are not yet released that nonetheless are able to create a massive campaign. You don't need a precise date of when the servers will be back for this. You could easily give an interview here and there chatting about plans etc just to create some awareness.

I just don't see the point in not communicating anything and I am quite convinced that is cause there is none.




Re: Getting somwhat restless now

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:07 am
by azale
I'm running on bare minimal hope atm, but hey can only hang for so long before something else catches my attention. Luckily, i haven't been distracted, yet.

Agreeing with the above, make some noise.

*goes back into hiding*