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Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:19 am
by fransuamono
Give us some info pls ^^

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:57 am
by azmah
Agree - a definition of 'soon' would be nice - and possibly an estimated date of Ryzom's return :)

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:05 am
by katriell
xD That's a good request since all else is behind it, although patience is prudent.

Edit after azmah posted: Dates, however, are a futile request when dealing with MMOs, regardless of whether the MMO in question is a monolithic financial success with millions of players, a beta, or a niche game on life support. The best we can hope for is a hint of what the new owner intends to do with Ryzom.

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:07 am
by micke68
How about a preliminary timeframe? Then they are not obligated to follow a specific date or time.

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:35 am
by acridiel
Just as I stated so often:

The "Montgomery Scott Method" is best ;)


Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:44 am
by aude03
If the new owner planned a big ad campain (and i hope they do), do you really think they can afford to ruin it by giving us a clue for "when" "how" etc... considering the most little clue they will give us will spread everywhere in less than 2mn (on every single mmo site..)

Even if i'm trying to log twice a day too, checking the site 10 times a day, i presume they make the good choice....

ok now, GIVE US ATYS !!!!!!! :p

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:06 am
by rajron
aude03 wrote:If the new owner planned a big ad campain (and i hope they do), do you really think they can afford to ruin it by giving us a clue for "when" "how" etc... considering the most little clue they will give us will spread everywhere in less than 2mn (on every single mmo site..)
I would actually LOVE to see word of Ryzom spread that fast :p
aude03 wrote: ok now, GIVE US ATYS !!!!!!! :p
you get the point :D

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:18 pm
by fadebait
Yeah, some formal communication would be good. Frankly its more than a little suspicious to me that we have heard so little from Spiderweb. In fact at the time of writing, a google search for the name still only returns those financial information sites that so many of us looked at when they won the bidding, several months ago.
There is no company website, no announcement, nothing.
If all it turns out to be is a few of the old developers trying to get the game going again, then I do wonder how much longevity this effort really has. The game needs significant capital injection to get anywhere - Ryzom is an expensive MMO to run, and 3 years ago it was already a niche market product. Now its target audience will have shrunk yet further - the hardcore fans will still be there, but many of the fringe players (which always massively outnumber the hardcore fans in any growing MMO) will be playing newer more polished games.

After quite a long time now without any offical announcement, my sceptisim is growing again.

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:28 pm
by dangaree
fadebait wrote:After quite a long time now without any offical announcement, my sceptisim is growing again.
I think we just need to take it easy and be patient. I'm also longing to breath the fresh air of Atys again, and I would love to see some news from anyone. But the communication _will_ come, whether it's tommorow, in weeks or months. In the meantime, all we can do is wait, reminisce together and discuss what lies ahead. :)

And if the news to come aren't good, it's sad, but then we just have to take that one step at a time, and do what we can to try and bring Atys back once again. We are a strong community, and together we can make things happen!

Re: Another Request to the developers

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:18 pm
by arfindel
Honestly I wouldn't ask for an ETA. Who knows in what condition that poor code is now. But I would appreciate a "hi" this is us the company, these are us the devs, we are working hard to bring your beloved Ryzom back to life. Try to have fun here, we'll read your opinions, but now we have to work a little :) )