First off, i haven't got a payed account of ryzom so i can't post in any other section then here.
It's kind of useless posting this but i guess i just want to share my feelings with all of you..
I'm already sick of waiting for the english server to go up again, i've been looking around on this forum and others about Ryzom shutting down for good.
If you think about that clearly, that won't happen! atleast thats what i think
Most of you can't wait like me and start looking for other games like LOTRO, which whas a total failure & Chaos online is even more crappy then LOTR
i think i've tried every game out there at the moment and non can even be compared to Ryzom. Ryzom is a unique game with a game community that you won't find in a million years in any other MMORPG.
In any way, Ryzom won't fail. Ryzom will survive! However i understand you people for choosing another game (at least for the moment) because you all can't just wait and do nothing like me. but please come back for old times sake! I know ryzom can still be perfected in a lot of ways. Gameforge was somehow unable to do those things, for what i know, they inplanted the "Bloom effect" which isn't even a real bloom effect from my game expirience! I could go on for another while but i short on time for the moment.
I'll call this tread The "Share your feeling about Ryzom" tread if you need to do the same, do it here.
Atys has my blessing.
Ps, if any forum administrator finds this post in a wrong section, please move it, thanks. =D
Share your feeling about Ryzom
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
Ryzom was... even with it's small imperfections a good idea that started going horribly wrong at some point. With hindsight it looks like after loonix and toysql just couldn't deliver - what happened to RAID? - The devs tried simple approaches to gain the dwindling playerbase back, making the game more easy, making the game PvP-centric etc, but none of those approaches didn't really do anything but decrease the amount of subscriptions.
People seem to accuse GF for everything these days, but what I've gathered, they bought something else that actually was delivered to them. (French commercial practises in selling companies and IP differ quite a lot on the usual European ones.) After the decision period was over they just returned the IP back to French court - The game sadly seems to be deadlocked and looks like the codebase just is prohibitive in adding new lands or whatever, thus the tries of "easy way out" in creating new features.
Advertising might have helped, but remembering the last big events, servers and the underlying soft/hardware wouldn't have endured many more subs.
I kinda miss Ryzom, especially due some people I met there, but have moved on - Mainly playing other game these days, but getting my dose of sandbox style MMORPG's from UO.
For the people with red Stallmann eyeglasses - The highest quality OSS in the world has never been GPL'd. Funnily enough only the mediocre GPL their work, the talented write either commercial code, BSD-licence it, or do both
Lwiz, officer of the Samsara
People seem to accuse GF for everything these days, but what I've gathered, they bought something else that actually was delivered to them. (French commercial practises in selling companies and IP differ quite a lot on the usual European ones.) After the decision period was over they just returned the IP back to French court - The game sadly seems to be deadlocked and looks like the codebase just is prohibitive in adding new lands or whatever, thus the tries of "easy way out" in creating new features.
Advertising might have helped, but remembering the last big events, servers and the underlying soft/hardware wouldn't have endured many more subs.
I kinda miss Ryzom, especially due some people I met there, but have moved on - Mainly playing other game these days, but getting my dose of sandbox style MMORPG's from UO.
For the people with red Stallmann eyeglasses - The highest quality OSS in the world has never been GPL'd. Funnily enough only the mediocre GPL their work, the talented write either commercial code, BSD-licence it, or do both

Lwiz, officer of the Samsara
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
To the OP: mate, people going away to look for other games is only a temporary event. If Ryzom gets bought and servers comeback up again people will return aswell. Why? Your post is the answer.
Ryzom is a wonderful drug we are all hooked on
and there's no way to get off the needle, simply cause... There's no place like home 
Ryzom is a wonderful drug we are all hooked on

Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Komizaur (Silan rep.)
"A fond memory" of the "Order of the Nameless"
Matisian Botanist: "Complete Atlas of Atysian Flora (work in progress)"
Devoted Scholar of the "Zorai pictograms" "Zorai pictographic Signatures on demand"
Author of "The Kitin Scriptures" "The Kitin Scriptures WEBCOMIC!!!"
"Яussians may die - but never give up!"
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
Love, enhanced by knowledge of other MMORPGs and how the MMOG industry is going, but also tempered by cynicism arising from that knowledge... Similar to the television series industry, but worse, all the good and unique stuff falls victim to mishandling, bad ratings, etcetera (i.e. Firefly, Journeyman, Ryzom, SEED).
For the most part, I believe that although Ryzom could be handled and grown much better, it is the peanut gallery who has failed Ryzom, not so much Ryzom that has failed them.
For the most part, I believe that although Ryzom could be handled and grown much better, it is the peanut gallery who has failed Ryzom, not so much Ryzom that has failed them.
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
Spoiled... Ryzom was my first MMORPG, and I can't see myself playing any of the other crap out there for more than a couple months. And if it returns, either unchanged or revamped, I won't miss a beat. 

[ Owagwyn :: Reapers of the Dark ]
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
I've only been in Ryzom a couple of days, long enough to see that Ryzom is a unique game, from the PvE gameplay to crafting and community to game lore, there is nothing that can compare. I'm kicking my tush for not having found this gem sooner. However, I don't lose hope. When it does come back I plan to be here.
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
Ryzom was my second MMORPG, and so it has stayed:
because for me Ryzom is second to none.
I am here, I will be here, for I have found my home.
Ryzom was my second MMORPG, and so it has stayed:
because for me Ryzom is second to none.
I am here, I will be here, for I have found my home.
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Guild Muse of Evolution, Light Armourer and giver of smiles.
A family, Ryzom Ambiente, Ryzom by night,
Ryzom 5 year anniversary!
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
From what i know, Ryzom is a all around game, but it misses the things other mmorpg's have that make them more played that ryzom it seems..
First thing that will be needed is a great owner who DOES listen to the players opinion.
Secondly, some awsomely skilled nerds that know how to do codes and all that stuff you do to make games.
I did say Ryzom should go back in Open-beta testing. "Call it The Sage of Ryzom 2" or whatever fits best.
I can post a whole list of thngs that could make this game even more enjoyable but i won't.
What is ryzom now? Its a great base to start a real game on, a great start for making the best game out there. Ryzom can still become one of the best, but it does need alot of work.
First thing that will be needed is a great owner who DOES listen to the players opinion.
Secondly, some awsomely skilled nerds that know how to do codes and all that stuff you do to make games.
I did say Ryzom should go back in Open-beta testing. "Call it The Sage of Ryzom 2" or whatever fits best.
I can post a whole list of thngs that could make this game even more enjoyable but i won't.
What is ryzom now? Its a great base to start a real game on, a great start for making the best game out there. Ryzom can still become one of the best, but it does need alot of work.
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
And "these things other MMO´s have" are just what Ryzom in the minds of many of us, does definetly NOT need.
It does not need to be made "easier", it does not need to be made "PvP friendlier", it does not need to be "instanced", it does not need to be packed with "exchangable Hero-Quests", it does not need to be toned down, so it can run on weaker machines, it does not need to be made "Mod-able", it does not need to be moulded into a run of the mill clone MMO.
(Some smaller things might admittedly be helpful though.)
What it needs is someone, or many, that will take up its original vision and built upon it. Take up where the first Devs had to leave it. Push trhough with all the innovative and creative Ideas that have come up during its inception.
Work on the Ring, take adivce from those who want to help with it and prevent the abuse of it not by shutting it down, but by takeing real measures against it.
(still want to kick someones wise-a$$ for fidling too much with the ring >((
Thank you $&(?§*)
And while we still have hope enjoy
And "these things other MMO´s have" are just what Ryzom in the minds of many of us, does definetly NOT need.
It does not need to be made "easier", it does not need to be made "PvP friendlier", it does not need to be "instanced", it does not need to be packed with "exchangable Hero-Quests", it does not need to be toned down, so it can run on weaker machines, it does not need to be made "Mod-able", it does not need to be moulded into a run of the mill clone MMO.
(Some smaller things might admittedly be helpful though.)
What it needs is someone, or many, that will take up its original vision and built upon it. Take up where the first Devs had to leave it. Push trhough with all the innovative and creative Ideas that have come up during its inception.
Work on the Ring, take adivce from those who want to help with it and prevent the abuse of it not by shutting it down, but by takeing real measures against it.
(still want to kick someones wise-a$$ for fidling too much with the ring >((
Thank you $&(?§*)
And while we still have hope enjoy

Take a look at the collected Works of Ryzom Players all over the World!
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
238[/highlight] Videos, [highlight]181[/highlight] Fan-Artworks and [highlight] 3 [/highlight] original Songs are up allready.
[highlight]SoR Score Musics including Trailers!![/highlight]
We dare to be different! Do you dare to adapt?

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Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
At"Ryzom Movies"!![highlight]
238[/highlight] Videos, [highlight]181[/highlight] Fan-Artworks and [highlight] 3 [/highlight] original Songs are up allready.
[highlight]SoR Score Musics including Trailers!![/highlight]
We dare to be different! Do you dare to adapt?
Ryzom on Vimeo-Videos!/Ryzom Ning-Network/Die Lore auf Deutsch!
Bardentreffen / Atys Kundschafter
Re: Share your feeling about Ryzom
That was beautiful. Thank you. I've not been to the mainland and through the video I can see how beautiful and enchanting the world of Atys is.