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1680x1050 resolution reset

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:27 am
by ulani
I bought a new monitor, it has 1680x1050px resolution. Whenever I start Ryzom I have to manually choose the resolution in the launcher. The setting doesn't stick, it reset to 1600x1200px which is "out of range" for my screen and it goes black.

More of an annoyance than a real problem, but how can I start the game without having to change the resolution every time? I always forget to, and must kill Ryzom and relog

Re: 1680x1050 resolution reset

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:48 am
by khyle
ulani wrote:Hey
I bought a new monitor, it has 1680x1050px resolution. Whenever I start Ryzom I have to manually choose the resolution in the launcher. The setting doesn't stick, it reset to 1600x1200px which is "out of range" for my screen and it goes black.

More of an annoyance than a real problem, but how can I start the game without having to change the resolution every time? I always forget to, and must kill Ryzom and relog

Not sure if this helps, and if so, it only substitutes one problem with another, but you might try and toggle your client_default.cfg's read-only flag, so the settings don't get overwritten - until you forget about it and wonder why your settings don't stick ;)
Come to think of it, ISTR a switch in the configuration panel that has much the same effect, "[x] save config on exit" or something along this line.


Re: 1680x1050 resolution reset

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:18 pm
by ulani
Thanks, unfortunately it didn't work. The boot screen still says:

Game Resolution
<- 1600x1000 ->

I guess the designers dindn't consider a quirky resolution like 1680x1050 and hard coded the launcher (or something). But it's not such a big deal really.