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Our creativity as players

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:45 am
by seawe
Its a shame that we as paying players aren't allowed to talk about how we could contribute to this game. I know most games ask players to just play and shutup. But Ryzom was conceived of differently.
Probably alot of new players don't remember or know, but originally much of Ryzom was going to be opened up to player and community development and help. That was their original idea, and continued to be untill they (nevrax) found that they had to make the creditors happy before thay could do anything else.

We the players were going to be allowed to port the game to native linux, and Mac. We the players were going to be allowed to contribute to the Ring and possibly the actual game world.. but creditors get impatient, and developers need money. So it never happened becuase they never got out of debt. That doesn't mean the original ideas got shredded in the shredder. Just put on indefinite hold.

We have payed for the game, we have a love for the game, we have supported it thru the years, we should atleast be allowed to talk about its development, whether how we think the devs should do it or how we would do it..

This is in response to Boroshi's clamping down on what i saw as freespeach. Maybe hes new enough he doesn't know of Ryzom's beginings, or of its dreams.

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:45 pm
by dakhound
seawe wrote:This is in response to Boroshi's clamping down on what i saw as freespeach. Maybe hes new enough he doesn't know of Ryzom's beginings, or of its dreams.
he didnt clamp down on suggestion afaik, he clamped down on people posting things which shouldnt be in the public domain e.g ring commands

man that boroshi is such an ebil dictator isnt he

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:27 pm
by iceaxe68
From what I could see the only thing Boroshi did was to remove some information that was apparently a clear violation of the CoC. Locking a thread doesn't end a discussion. (Lookie here, we're discussing it!)

Most of us have a great respect for those who are both able and willing to figure things out and help the rest of us. I expect the CSRs feel much the same, but still they must enforce the terms to which we all agreed.

Bashing Boroshi is not in our best interests. Posting CoC violating information on the official forum is not in YOUR best interests.

I'm going to be very careful not to suggest any alternatives here. Been burned on that one before.

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:46 am
by kaetemi
dakhound wrote:things which shouldnt be in the public domain e.g ring commands
First of all, they're called functions (things which create functionality). Secondly, they already are 'public' knowledge to those of us who have digged a bit deeper than the surface of the editor.

Also, you've been posting loads of nonsense, recently. It's starting to get slightly annoying, tbh.

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:24 am
by katriell
What seawe describes sounds like what will be possible if Virtual Citizenship Project wins Ryzom.

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:12 am
by dakhound
kaetemi wrote:Also, you've been posting loads of nonsense, recently. It's starting to get slightly annoying, tbh.
yeah sorry, am having therapy but just cant seem to stop.

Re: Our creativity as players

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:56 pm
by iceaxe68
dakhound wrote:yeah sorry, am having therapy but just cant seem to stop.
*\em mail-orders some meds for Jack*