Mektoub Races - 11/03/07 @ 1600 GMT (4PM)
Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:54 pm
Greetings Homins!
After the fun we had hosting some races during the 3 yr. anniversary, the CSR team would like to have a few more races. We thought this Saturday at 4PM GMT would be a good time since Lanist is on holiday he won't find out and hunt us down! (shh, don't tell him either)
So, put some new shoes on that mek of yours, make sure it's well fed and meet us at Cerakos Gate in Pyr at 4PM GMT on 11/03/07 for a couple races.
For those on Silan, have no fear we will be visiting you to host a foot race afterwards. Start stretching now and be will be more of a marathon than a sprint.
**edited to add correct month **So, put some new shoes on that mek of yours, make sure it's well fed and meet us at Cerakos Gate in Pyr at 4PM GMT on 11/03/07 for a couple races.
For those on Silan, have no fear we will be visiting you to host a foot race afterwards. Start stretching now and be will be more of a marathon than a sprint.