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About the future of Ryzom

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:06 pm
by netsulta
Ok, the LagMonster has gone, all is happyness on Atys... but if u remember, GF France fall into bankrupcy, and theorically(dunno if the spelling is right :S) have passed 1 week and a half since the theoric shut down of servers till new campany hires the game. Any news from Xavier or GF France? Inside me a voice is telling me: "when this situation will be solved?" I can dig and run and capable of casting spells but... until when?

Re: About the future of Ryzom

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:24 am
by petersk
netsulta wrote:Ok, the LagMonster has gone, all is happyness on Atys... but if u remember, GF France fall into bankrupcy, and theorically(dunno if the spelling is right :S) have passed 1 week and a half since the theoric shut down of servers till new campany hires the game. Any news from Xavier or GF France? Inside me a voice is telling me: "when this situation will be solved?" I can dig and run and capable of casting spells but... until when?
Not sure friend, but to me it is a good sign things are not as dark for the future of Ryzom as once feared. Take heart and enjoy, even if the end comes, at least we get to spend some lag free time with friends old and new.