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Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:35 pm
by stygeon
Okay ... I've gone thru just about every single thread for a week now. I have read alot of how this affects my gameplay.

I am sorry that each person feels that something affects the way you play the game. That however does not place it as a top item that NEEDs to be fixed.

I do understand there is a wishlist stickied at the top of this forum and that is just it ... it is a wishlist of things you and I as a community would like to see changed,modified or incorporated into the game.

I am starting this thread to be a feedback to the devs of what their top priorities from us the community should be.

I ask that each of you post a problem and why it is a NEED and not a WANT.

There are several issues that are near the top of the list and I would like constructive feedback from each of us in the community. There will be deferring opinions .. that is fine. Just please do not turn this into a flame session so that hopefully 'WE' as the players will provide some input into the fate of 'OUR' game.

That said ... some basic rules.

1) Unless you are over 200 in a skill please do not ask for a change in SP. It is unreasonable at current levels that the majority of us can answer the impact this has.

2) I do understand there is a 'WANT' for quests in game. The devs have stated that this will be added. This is not a 'NEED' to be placed at the top of the fix it list.

3) Please do not ask for any additions to the game. This is a list of items that are currently hindering player growth or inhibiting playing of any nature.

4) Please be honest and sincere and allow that your opinion does matter but it is your opinion. Be courteous to the opinions of others and disagree ... in a constructive manner.

Now to the meat of the subject ...

These are 2 of the items that are recieving alot of heat and discussion in the threads. Relevant information should still be placed in those threads ... but please voice your opinion here.

First ... Tryker resources. The Tryker are currently unable to harvest specific QL of materials. We want to know if this is intentional and if not please fix it.

Second ... Item degradation. We feel that items over QL50 degrade to fast. Is this intentional? (IMO Tryker mats should be fixed first to give them time to make items before the degrade is resolved)

The 2 above are more what I have noticed. That does not mean they should weigh anymore into this than any other. But it is MY opinion of 2 that should be on the list.

Everyone ... this is our oppurtunity to show how much we care about SoR and to work on communication between us and the developement team. We all have varying opinions on what should and should not have happened in beta ... we were not all in closed beta so this is our chance to sound off on what is broken.

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:07 pm
by vanderpm
Personally, I believe lag should be fixed and ranged combat should be balanced a bit more, as well as the Tryker mat issue. I have not run into the problems in the main post yet because I am still on the noob island, but that will change shortly.

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:18 pm
by evalisa
1) Range combat costs (3k+ for 12/24 shots)
2) Trykers areas (mats/invisable walls ect)
3) Item decay (2+ weapons nd suits of armor a day...)
4) Trainer room bugs (teleport not working/no trainer/relocated)
5) Weapon/armor stat bugs (dodge/parry dont show on weapons/armor, +damage dont show on range (but is on mat stats)

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:19 pm
by sunhawk
"2) I do understand there is a 'WANT' for quests in game. The devs have stated that this will be added. This is not a 'NEED' to be placed at the top of the fix it list."

Yes, it is a 'need', in my eyes. Without quests all we will have is grinding, at least when the novelty wears off. Until we really start to feel like we're able to do something epic (Which I concede could be given to us in other ways, like the Kitin raid on Matis lands.), all we'll feel like is that we're just sort of there. Which doesn't lend itself to many but the powerlevellers and those after l33t l3wt.

Edit: But no, this is not as important as fixing the balance issues or any such thing, but it IS still vital and it IS still a need in my eyes. It's merely of a lower priority.

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:40 pm
by parisg
Top 1 Thing: Transparency of the known bugs and the fixes. I don't want to blame our support crew, they have done a good job so far. I wish Nevrax would publish more information though. What exactly do the bugfixes contain? If ranged gets nerfed (I believe it works the way it was intendend now) we would like to know about that. A "damage adjusted" is not sufficient. I would also like to know which bugs Nevrax is currently working on. The list of known bugs in the patch notes contains 1, maybe 2 items. Obviously in these forums, more problems were found by the users. A lot of discussions about fixing some bugs would be futile if it was known which bugs exist and which are being worked on. It is also frustrating to come into the game and ask around if anybody noticed any changes. Maybe it would be possible to open a bug forum.

Top 2 Thing: Inventory/ Trade bugs. We dont want to loose items because we're full. Loose the stacking problems too.

Top 3 Thing: Weapon stats. Please display all the stats of the weapons / Armor as the crafter see it.

These are the things that I found most frustrating. I did not get very high in levels since I am only playing from time to time. But I've enjoyed it sofar!

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:41 pm
by svayvti
My top 5:

#1) Fixing tryker lands - mats/walls/dense aggro packs

#2) Guild missions (Outposts, etc)

#3) Foraging rebalance - economy fix. (Explained here)

#4) Ranged combat overhaul. Stanzas and ammo production

#5) Display bugs (weapon stats, guild names/symbols, etc)

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:47 pm
by daleknd
Maybe you would call these wants instead of needs but it is a matter of perspective I think.

I do not think that creatures should follow you indefinitely. The idea of fleeing and having them eventually give up pursuit should exist, in my opinion.

I also think that there needs to be either a sound or animation associated with dodging, parrying etc. Without this it is very awkward to try to use conditional attacks.

humble forager of the Fyros

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 10:17 pm
by anicolai
daleknd wrote:Maybe you would call these wants instead of needs but it is a matter of perspective I think.

I do not think that creatures should follow you indefinitely. The idea of fleeing and having them eventually give up pursuit should exist, in my opinion.

I also think that there needs to be either a sound or animation associated with dodging, parrying etc. Without this it is very awkward to try to use conditional attacks.

humble forager of the Fyros
The ability to flee removes any rush of danger and allows people to freely explore dangerous areas they shouldn't be in. I do support the use of skills if a character wants to be a scout-type class. If you can outrun my dog in real life then I'll be ok with you outrunning them in a game :) Also, why in the world would they give up the chase when they most likely just witnessed you butchering one of their relatives?

It is not at all awkward to use conditional attacks. Make an action for it in your toolbar. When the action goes from greyed out to full color just click it. It also states in your system window when you have just done the required action.

Now on thing that needs fixing in Matis lands is the Turn of the Tide clan. They use guns that have the added bonus of infinite range. I wiped out their whole village because I kept getting hit by bullets. After they were all dead I went on my merry way, only to find out that I was getting plucked for 20HP every 5 seconds. I turned around...nobody there. Nobody on radar. Figured I would keep walking and ended up almost half the world away from the camp still with no sign of a clan member and STILL getting plucked for 20HP every 5 seconds. Painful to watch yourself slowly die and not be able to do anything about it. In retrospect I probably should have just logged out before I died.

Second thing would be selling items. I would love to see check boxes next to the items and a "sell all checked" button at the bottom.

Third would be some more accurate way to determine if a creature is going to eat you or let you be, other than trial and error of course. Been attacked by things I didn't think would attack me and not attacked by giant things with freaky names that apparently are herbivores.

Can't think of much else that hasn't already been stated.

The Fat Forager - Glimmung

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:44 pm
by daleknd
anicolai wrote:The ability to flee removes any rush of danger and allows people to freely explore dangerous areas they shouldn't be in. I do support the use of skills if a character wants to be a scout-type class. If you can outrun my dog in real life then I'll be ok with you outrunning them in a game :) Also, why in the world would they give up the chase when they most likely just witnessed you butchering one of their relatives?

It is not at all awkward to use conditional attacks. Make an action for it in your toolbar. When the action goes from greyed out to full color just click it. It also states in your system window when you have just done the required action.

Now on topic...
I am not saying that fleeing should be easy. I agree that risk is an important element. I am simply saying that the concept of successfully fleeing should at least exist. This is a common element of most games in the genre. Is this not the main point of the ability that gives you a short burst of speed?

As it stand now unless you are near NPC guards or a body of water you will never successfully flee. Perhaps it is the designers' intent that the fear spell be the only viable way of disengaging from a combat.

While it is possible to use the conditional attacks, it is more awkward than it needs to be. I should not have to go through battles staring at the icons and playing whack-a-mole when one lights up. Many other games, DAoC for instance, have in game cues when you have parried or evaded an attack. These take the form of a character animation and a sound. This at the very least improves your immersion in the game, to be watching the battle instead of waiting for the icon to light up.

humble forager of the Fyros

Re: Top 5 Things 'We' NEED Fixed

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 11:53 pm
by needle
I've been dragging a dead paker around for days now and it's getting old.

Apartments becoming "encoumbered" with about a quarter of the items that I can personally carry is ridiculous..

Just two things agitating me to no end right now.