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Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:32 am
by teylini
In my fame tab (shift+F) I see that I am a neutral player. However, it shows a small negative standing with some groups.

If I highlight those standings, it says "Weak Trading". What does that mean? Will I not be able to sell things for as much money to NPC's in those areas?

Re: Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:40 am
by ajsuk
Got it in one. :)

Re: Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:43 am
by iwojimmy
The "weak trading" difference is trivial.
You wont become a merchant prince by getting in good with the vendors :)

The big thing with fame, is at very low levels you will be Kill-on-Sight with that group, and there are missions which require minimum fame levels for you to do.
If/when you go for a Faction, you will need to have a minimum fame level with them, and it DOES affect what teleporters you get access to.

Re: Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:53 am
by raisrev1
teylini wrote:In my fame tab (shift+F) I see that I am a neutral player. However, it shows a small negative standing with some groups.

If I highlight those standings, it says "Weak Trading". What does that mean? Will I not be able to sell things for as much money to NPC's in those areas?

It means that, and it also means that you will have to pay a little more for things at those merchants

Re: Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:13 am
by teylini
Does anyone know how much a -20% standing affects trading? That is the worst default standing I have. How much more will I pay, or how much less will I get for selling?


Re: Fame and does it affect trading?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:22 am
by gcaldani
teylini wrote:Does anyone know how much a -20% standing affects trading? That is the worst default standing I have. How much more will I pay, or how much less will I get for selling?

The difference is very low.

A way to know the difference is when you are selling items. The price in parenthesis reflect the price you would have gained with full fame, while the price outside is the actual price you get.

Another way to see the difference is going to merchants of races with different fame and see the price.