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The Equilibrium Hunters.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:34 pm
by equilibrium
The Equilibrium Hunters are the Bounty Hunter Organisation ingame.

I am atm The one and only handler of a player ran event called The Hunt Season.
In a attempt to make this a permanent constant idea for people ingame, I am going to open up 2 new spots for handling contracts/Paying out bounties.

What I require:
You must create your own alt, and must never tell anyone but myself and the other handler your identity.
One of you will be given High Officer. in our ingame guild, to be able to deposit and take out the % fee we as a organisation take for the hunts. And deposit any spare gear that we earn as bonus'es.

You as a contractor: Must have a list of your own hunters.
You must yourself keep control of which target assigned to which hunter.
And you must keep track of the payments yourself.

This is for responsibility as a contractor, and for as few of us as possible to know who are the hunters, and who are not.

If you wish to apply for contractor, send me a PM here on the forums, or ingame on Equlibrium.

Fore information about the event.

Re: The Equilibrium Hunters.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:42 pm
by g00st
yello :)

dont really aggree with the whole secrecy thing maybe but well done for trying something different...

if ye want to be evil be evil we need some characters on atyss