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Ministry of Mayhem

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:19 pm
by martl
The Ministry of Mayhem is a Fyros based Kami guild. We trace our roots back to the legendary "Atys Paladins", one of the oldest guilds on the server. We count some of Atys' finest crafters and boss hunters among our members. We fight with our Kami, neutral and Karavan friends for balance and therefore our goal is to reclaim the Kami heartlands, the jungle and the desert, for Kamis. But we do have many friends in all factions.
MoM is welcoming new members of all races that would like to join our (mostly) mature and fun-loving guild. Just send a /tell to Nyfertiti, Cecil, Cuddles, Ricko, Yoshi or Gloife in game :)

techical info: guild chat is OOC, playtime is mostly euro and US, members equipment is supreme ;) RP and PvP stance is: do what you like :)

Re: Ministry of Mayhem

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:33 pm
by skifryan
One of the best Kami guilds on the server.

You'll have lots of fun with them

Especially Nyfertiti <3

Re: Ministry of Mayhem

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:35 am
by xzizoux
When someone searches for a Nice Kami Guild i would say take MoM ,i know the peeps in there and i was part of the old Atys paladins and all i can say is that this guild with their Members are Awesome

I Hope MoM will be back in future as a big and strong Guild again

Good Luck MoM :)

Re: Ministry of Mayhem

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:35 am
by stelf
MoM is another nice guild for anyone looking to join a Kami guild. Never met one of their members I didn't respect. Just got to keep your clothes on around Nyffy though :D