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Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:40 pm
by dakhound

to our most dishonourable enemies the Kami heretics

I have recognised that as the war is not going very well for you, your people must be demoralised and hungry. Your supply lines to xp giving catalysers has been nearly broken. I therefore offer you terms of which you can surrender.

1. All attacks must cease
2. Marking yourself as a kami will be forbidden, and kami with their tag shown brightly will be dealt with by the combined force of the karavan and the newly liberated non aggressive kami.
3. A limited amount of xp catalysers will be passed to those kami who submit to the karavan authority. extra will be granted to those who convert!
4. you must hand in your leaders for trial under the roots, sentences will be passed by the courts
5. each kami will pay 100m dapper to the peacekeeping force coffers to finance peace keeping operations.
6. A goverment will be set up to rule over the kami who do not convert, its leader voted upon by the karavan as a whole.

We wish for no war but nothing short of total submission to the karavan can be accepted. (/IC)

(ooc) keep it IC guys

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:45 pm
by vim79
funny stuff jack

dont think and Kara would want aris to turn into a cho :D

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:56 pm
by dakhound
(IC) I do this as I wish a united front against the kitin threat. The evil kami spirits that posses you are only hindering our effort, even near the major cities we cannot control the aggressive animals as our warriors are locked in perpetual war(/IC)

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:38 pm
by forever
You have nothing to fear from the Kitin, please continue to fight Homins.
The real enemy is the Homin that stands next to you that believes in the false god, purge them from your land and make your god happy.

Just a Homin like you. ;)
Edit: ooc/ if you know I RP being a Kitin spy this is IC ;) /ooc

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:18 pm
by gillest
forever wrote: Neva
Yellow card Neva: he did say: keep it IC guys pls...
Still trying to think about my own answer to that IC :)

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 2:33 pm
by viper579
[IC]neither ma-duk nor jena says to hunt down 'non-believers' . in fact if i recall jena says to love her children and says all creation is her children[/IC]

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:43 pm
by dakhound
viper579 wrote:[IC]neither ma-duk nor jena says to hunt down 'non-believers' . in fact if i recall jena says to love her children and says all creation is her children[/IC]
sometimes a child needs a stern hand to turn him away from a bad path, I hope my conversion will be an inspiration for all of you

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:54 pm
by viper579
dakhound wrote:sometimes a child needs a stern hand to turn him away from a bad path, I hope my conversion will be an inspiration for all of you
Jena also says to let her do the judging the punishment.

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:00 pm
by dakhound
viper579 wrote:Jena also says to let her do the judging the punishment.
that is only on the judgement day, until that day comes the gracious karavan followers have taken this burden in the name of jena.

Re: Peace in our time

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:46 pm
by viper579
dakhound wrote:that is only on the judgement day, until that day comes the gracious karavan followers have taken this burden in the name of jena.
its good to see what ive noticed before talking to the followers of jena. while i have no issue with some followers of jena. i do take issue with the religious nut-jobs who want to create a generation of slavery and genocide based off religious intolerance.

it makes me glad that the kami have taught respect for homins immaterial of their religious beliefs. [/ic]