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op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:59 pm
by dollly
i think armor crafters and jool crafters got royaly screwed when only op weapon patterns were released
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:04 pm
by katriell
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:44 pm
by dmarxs
My understanding was that armour was in the game already, has been for some time. Just not connected to the OPs. I remember seeing some kara/kami like armour on some screenshots a long time ago, could be them.
There was also some screen shots of different amps than we have now, kara ones were all metal like.
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:04 pm
by iwojimmy
This is the obligatory post for the missing poll options.
I would
love new armour plans
but I think being able to mix all race mats for jools would be a massive dumbing down, and ruin the skill branch.
So I voted no for both
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:22 pm
by dollly
dmarxs wrote:My understanding was that armour was in the game already, has been for some time. Just not connected to the OPs. I remember seeing some kara/kami like armour on some screenshots a long time ago, could be them.
There was also some screen shots of different amps than we have now, kara ones were all metal like.
exactly my point they not connected to op's and they only benefit to heavy armor crafters still leaving out light and medium armorers and joolrz.
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:33 pm
by setstyle
I'd like to see new armor patterns, but not necessarily ones connected to outposts. If faction armor were designed I'd rather see it rewarded through rites or Ep2-style events that advance the storyline rather a purely stagnant PvP element of the game.
As far as jewels are concerned, I agree with iwojimmy that it's unnecessary.
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:52 am
by killgore
There are unused armor patterns in the game files.Karu added them to the Ballistic Mystix dressing room recently. You just need to find the hidden button that enables spoilers
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:12 am
by bf649ztp
Well as a master of all jewels (all but 3 trees at 245+) hehe damn my honesty. I'm not all that bothered about jewel..sorry jool changes. I dig PR so the race thing is no problem..not sure what bonuses you could give them with the OP mats but I've never felt left out because there aren't any OP jewel plans.
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:58 am
by great83
Well i think the Npc heavy armour recipes should do for some HA crafters, not easy to get but can be achieved with work. For Jewels and rest of the armour branches i cant say anything really... besides any implemention of new OP mats will cause other problems for us, we have to many OPs for the population now and cant change what OP produce what mat sense there is a well balanced system to that now.
On a side note the people that got screwed the most was shield crafters and anyone else that has started the game after ep2 and like 1handers...
Re: op armor and jools for the other half that play
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:50 am
by blaah
great83 wrote:On a side note the people that got screwed the most was shield crafters and anyone else that has started the game after ep2 and like 1handers...
yeah, there should be some missions for temples like "Fetch me 10 rat tails" that give you some faction points (and fame points ofcourse) and so one could buy stuff from temple vendor