Looking for Boss mats and Sups
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 1:31 am
Kama's back with a few additions to her wish-list... willing to pay with grind mats or trade for other boss/sups... lower Q in large quantities.
The list:
Max ele or heal eyes/shrooms/buds - any region, any Q - prices will vary
Sup zun - Nexus or PR - any Q - again prices will depend on Q
Tyrakoo leather - q270 PR boss
Kinrey shells - q270 PR boss
Arana wood - q270 Forest or (I believe) Desert boss
Bajam leather - q260 jungle named
Bajam lig - q260 jungle named
Jugula lig - q270 PR boss
Vorax lig - q270 PR boss
max speed skins and pelvis - excels and sups - any region
max speed or damage shafts - excels and sups - any region
Other named/boss mats as well as dug sups if offered... prices will depend on demand. Anyone looking for grind mats or wanting to trade mats feel free to post here or contact me IG.
The list:
Max ele or heal eyes/shrooms/buds - any region, any Q - prices will vary
Sup zun - Nexus or PR - any Q - again prices will depend on Q
Tyrakoo leather - q270 PR boss
Kinrey shells - q270 PR boss
Arana wood - q270 Forest or (I believe) Desert boss
Bajam leather - q260 jungle named
Bajam lig - q260 jungle named
Jugula lig - q270 PR boss
Vorax lig - q270 PR boss
max speed skins and pelvis - excels and sups - any region
max speed or damage shafts - excels and sups - any region
Other named/boss mats as well as dug sups if offered... prices will depend on demand. Anyone looking for grind mats or wanting to trade mats feel free to post here or contact me IG.