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[FAQ] No Keyboard response in Windows Vista

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:41 pm
by daestny
From the desk of CSR Thurmar:
If upon logging in you find that you have no keyboard response in-game.

If you are Ingame:
  • Open your task manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL and selecting it from list of options (it's the last one)
  • Switch to processes tab and look to see if there are 2 client_ryzom_rd processes running.
  • Close the client_ryzom_rd which is using 0 cpu and around 300-400M of ram.
  • Switch back to Ryzom and try to use keyboard now. It should be working.
If you have logged out just check your processes to see if a client_ryzom_rd is still showing up, if so close it and run a new client like normal.