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Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:52 pm
by stinglater
Hey I'm a fairly old player and was going to download enough of the game through the swanky new installer to see if ryzom has become fun for me to play again, sadly while on trial I can't access and see what the mainland is like regardless of game mechanics being fun for me again I'd like to know that the mainland is acceptable for me to deal with.

So since I can't make a post on the main discussion forum, and oddly enough I saw an old player who I remember as very very new returning there heh, I just wondered if anyone could be nice enough to help me out on a few questions.

1. How is the community ?

2. Is the help channel still spammed with idiots ?

3. Have pvp'ers finally overtaken the game ?

4. Whats the mainland community size compared to say a year and a bit ago ?(maybe more I got a swiss cheesed memory but its close enough)

5. How is the Rp community doing ?

Oh and if your the single person in ryzom who can guess who I am and I'm guessing your still here as you'l never leave, shh :P

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:07 am
by katriell
stinglater wrote:Oh and if your the single person in ryzom who can guess who I am and I'm guessing your still here as you'l never leave, shh :P
... xD

I can't really answer your questions unfortunately. Haven't been playing much.

However, the answer to #2 is of course: I don't know, because I still have it turned off. xP And if it is, you should do the same.

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:06 am
by scarazi
stinglater wrote: 1. How is the community ?

2. Is the help channel still spammed with idiots ?

3. Have pvp'ers finally overtaken the game ?

4. Whats the mainland community size compared to say a year and a bit ago ?(maybe more I got a swiss cheesed memory but its close enough)

5. How is the Rp community doing ?

1. same, somewhat bored maybee
2. only a few now
3. no, although the game = pvp now
4. 80-100% what it was a year ago. not grown
5. Drak logs in once a week :P

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:21 am
by stinglater
Thank you very kindly Scar.

And katriell thats going to have to change isn't it ? :P

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 4:00 pm
by vguerin
stinglater wrote:1. How is the community ?

2. Is the help channel still spammed with idiots ?

3. Have pvp'ers finally overtaken the game ?

4. Whats the mainland community size compared to say a year and a bit ago ?(maybe more I got a swiss cheesed memory but its close enough)

5. How is the Rp community doing ?
1) Community is smaller, but still one of the better ones you'll find.
2) Other than a couple fanboys and attention whores that use it to say hello/goodbye and chat between themselves it is generally less than 50% spam and is a good place to get your questions answered.
3) Nope
4) Smaller, but the new faces seem to be good folks like always.
5) Ryzom has RP ?

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:24 pm
by jackoba
I roleplayed an ass does that count DT?

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:59 pm
by tigrus
vguerin wrote: 5) Ryzom has RP ?

Naaaah :p ... I dont RP a arrogant ass at all..

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:20 pm
by kuroari
scarazi wrote: 5. Drak logs in once a week :P


Welcome back bud, in all honesty lots of the older folks are disappearing faster and faster, i've lost way too many friends already and i'm really not seeing any hope for real content to arrive anytime soon.

my two cents anyway...

just me or do i sound bitter-er by the post? :p

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:29 pm
by karmelit
stinglater wrote:Hey I'm a fairly old player and was going to download enough of the game through the swanky new installer to see if ryzom has become fun for me to play again...
If the things that you listed as questions are the reasons why you left, then I am not sure you will find it in any better shape now.

I second Nightblade's post; Atys seems to be waiting for something before it will awaken those branches that grew, slowly covering the sky.

Re: Hey old(ish) player coming back to trial the game...

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:54 pm
by stinglater
Thanks for all the help and what Karm said was probably true, but I'm lonely and miss one or two people from here a lot so I paid for a month and I'll see how things go.

Thanks for all the info and kind words everyone :)